Mass Effect 3

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by KnowYourFoe, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. ME1's Epiphany just blew my mind. I was just amazed. Its worth if just for that moment.
  2. SO true, the writing is really great in the first game, and continues through the second. Although the second leaves you in kind of a limbo state, wondering wtf is going to happen to the milky way

    Sogetsu- you mean when you find out that Sovreign isnt a ship, and who the protheans were, and what happen to them ?
  3. Yes, definitely. More of the first, and their purpose in the universe.
  4. I was just thinking. If the protheans had enough time to figure out how to make a mass relay. Why hasn't one of the current races. Are we stupid or something?
  5. The Protheans were alone, no petty politics with other races to keep them occupied. In addition to this, they were probably around longer than we were.
  6. Ya I guess that means Protheans were smarter than Humans. Or they could focus their efforts more because there were no other races that grew up alongside the Protheans. Or at least no evidence of other races.

    Technically, Humans are a younger species in the game. It is unknown if we have been around as long as the other races and only recently our knowledge spiked and we started growing as a people at a faster rate, or if we have always been growing about the same and have not been around as long.

    I tend to think of the latter as true in the ME universe. Because while Humans were the last race to discover the relays and the citadel during this cycle, evidence is given that other races dont like humans very much because humans are growing so fast in technology and influence compared to other races in the galaxy. This lends to the fact that humans are a younger race who are simply smarter and growing faster.

    However, I still think the Protheans were just smarter overall as a race than humans. no race, even humans, is even close to understanding anything about the relays other than how to go from one place to another. The amount of knowledge required to be able to create a small scale prototype relay shows great understanding of their working knowledge. And you cant say the Protheans simply copied everything bit for bit from another relay since the Protheans couldn't take apart any of the relays, and their prototype relay was set to a destination inside the citadel. That would be a design choice that the Protheans selected, as the relays to get to Ilos all link through a roundabout way before you get back to the Citadel.

    In addition to this, Protheans in the span of 5-10 years or whatever were able to deconstruct the genetic code of the keepers with just a few people and modify the keeps logic to no longer respond to Sovereign when he signaled them. Do you really think humans in the game would be smart enough to take a handful of scientists and learn to completely understand and modify another species in such a small time period?

    It was because of this "reprogramming" the Protheans did to the Keepers that humans and the other species were not wiped out by the Reapers and which set in motion the entire events of Mass Effect 1.

    yes, Protheans were much smarter than Humans.
  7. BTW when I said 'we' i meant the galactic community in ME.

    For all we know the Protheans we're a collection of all the species in the galaxy during thier cycle. All we've really seen of them is what the reapers turned them into.
  8. I suppose thats one way of looking at it.
  9. This thread is incredibly off topic! :D
  10. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Discussing ME lore in a ME3 thread ?
    Not that much off topic IMHO.
  11. It wasn't until you said it was.

    Funny how that works.
  12. All ME lore is relevant to ME3. Because apparently all of it will play a part.
  13. We can only hope. I did feel that it made a huge difference from ME1 > ME2, it was more of just a reference or a mention of your past deeds and didn't necessarily play a huge part, or change the universe that much (it did.. slightly, in some cases).

    Maybe your choices in ME1 will be of bigger impact in ME3 - again, we can only hope.
  14. Ok I am not positive on this, but I dont think the Protheans created the mass effect transit system. The Reapers created it so they could lure other races around the universe and eventually back towards the Citadel.

    Basically a giant mouse trap? Think that is kinda the back story
  15. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    As Enigma says, the protheans reverse-engineered the mass effect transit system and designed their own, direct, one-way portal, going from Ilos to the citadel.
  16. More news, confirmed, there will be same-sex romances for male Shepard now like the Dragon Age series.
  17. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I hope it won't turn out like this :D (from Dragon Age 2)

  18. LOL well played
  19. Hopefully I can finally bone Garrus. <3

    Also, lets clear some things up:

    I (believe) the Protheans were one species.

    The Reapers made the Mass Effect system, not the Protheans.

    The Citadel is a Mass Relay designed to bring the Reapers from deep space.
  20. This is definitely true. I was just replaying the first Mass Effect and in it the game says:

    The Prothean's started their empire with a single world and grew to span the entire galaxy