Mass Effect 3

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by KnowYourFoe, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

  2. I know right sad panda. It had better be 3 months better now.
  3. QFT
  4. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    That is my dream team in ME1.
    Shepard sniper rifle with HE rounds + Wrex + Tali

    I'm sure I'll do another full round of ME1 instead of ever finishing my initial ME2 play, when I get the time to play games again.

    I understand now why half the things in ME2 felt totally retarded while half are actually faithful to the original game.
    They changed the lead writer and switched the original ME1 one to sub writer.
    A different team designed and programmed the game.

    As for ME3, I won't even touch that thing after what ME2 was.

    The original ME1 writer is gone, even Jack Wall said screw it he won't be the one leading the soundtrack.
  5. We got Clint Mansell doing ME3 though, so I wouldn't really call it a bad thing.
  6. Pardon my n00bishness, who is Clint Mansell?
  7. He's the composer for Moon, Black Swan, Requiem of a Dream and some other top notch contemporary movies. More importantly, he's the composer for a song I daresay everyone knows, Lux Æterna.

    Here's hoping that he makes an equally epic score for ME3
  8. Requiem, sheesh - movie made me cringe, I mean it was good - for what it was trying to portray but.. just.. whew.
  9. But Saff, they are bring back the elements of the game that you were a fan of ... more rpg elements, closet to the original game play ?

    Thought for sure that would peak your interest?


    PS - We need this guy for the soundtrack ... ROFL -
  10. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I can't believe that by removing completely the people whose talent ME1 was built on, and keeping only the ones who did ME2, that ME3 will get closer to ME1.

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

    I still can't warp my mind around the fact I was walking in the citadel with Legion on tow and no citizen even blinked.
    I don't like to be considered like an idiot by scenario writers.

    When I stopped playing ME2 in the middle, it felt like a liberation.

    The same kind of I hadn't felt since I stopped playing an MMO for too long, piling up frustrations upon frustrations just for the sake of the game (it's Mass Effect !! I have to go on ... even if ... I just can't stand ... so many things ... Aww screw it I can't take it anymore.)

    I'm not a masochist, I don't want to play a game that will frustrate me again.

    I'd rather buy a used PS3 and play Valkyrie of the battlefield (which I will do eventually anyway) rather than buying and playing ME3 on my X360 (or finish ME2).
  11. It's kind of funny that all the things people hate ME2 for, I love it for.

    The one exception is visiting planets.
  12. I love the combat in ME2. I played ME2 before ME1, and it just felt plain sluggish when I went through the first one, especially with having to heal all the time, and running our of medkits. Though mining, don't even get me started, I'm so glad they're making a new mining system.
  13. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Everybody has his playstyle. That said. I can't remember running out of medkits, because I hardly remember using one.
    Your reliance on medkits and running out of them could explain why you felt the game was slow. You clearly were doing something wrong, by that I mean not using some of the possibilities offered by the game that would have made your play smoother and more fun.

    You've got shields in this game, you can do 99% of it without touching a medkit.
    Shield depleted -> Use raise shield skill -> Shield depleted again -> Use Reset all skills skill -> Use raise shield skill (and all other offensive ones)

    Use passives that shorten both shield skill and reset skills skill cooldowns -> continuous fight.

    Medkit ? Whazzat ? If I screw up big time maybe.

    On the contrary, for ME2, I had to stop all the time, break my fight rythm to go out and scavenge those retarded cooling units fors guns. ME1 had no ammo chores, ME2 brought them back. Terrific !
  14. I rarely ran out of the "ammo" in ME2, minus my insanity playthrough.

    Maybe I just picked them up along the way and never really noticed having a lack of it, never really had to go out of my way to grab thermo clips though.
  15. I like that they're bringing back the rpg elements of ME1 cause i definitely missed modding my weapons so i could just fire them forever without having to worry about heat/ammo.
  16. I think it depends on what class you are. On veteran I ran out quite a bit when playing my Adept, I just didn't have enough guns to have a lot of ammo. But I would imagine that as a soldier you wouldn't have to worry so much since you have so many different guns to use.
  17. i heard if you havnt played them, you should get em, worth it?
  18. entirely worth it
  19. You can get ME1 with the Bring Down The Sky DLC used for like $17 at Game Stop now days. Thats a really great deal. ME2 is still a tiny bit expensive, and never buy the special edition used. The extra code you get with the SE cant be used as whoever owned it previously would have used the code.
  20. It was on sale in Steam for 5 or 10 bucks a few weeks ago :p