Mass Effect 3

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by KnowYourFoe, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Only person I care to see is Tali. I wish I had a bus so I could throw all the other characters under it.
  2. Brando

    Brando Guest

    Sad to say but I have 5 max level ME1 and 2 max level on ME2 with different story lines on all of them so it will be interesting with the different story lines you can take for sure, but one thing for sure is Garus needs to comeback

    ME2: Garus = Batman

    Also the thought of a MEMMO I kinda like because the game already has the structure to do it expecially in ME1, and if the new Star Wars MMO becomes a disappintment I can look towards MEMMO to keep as a light at end of tunnel
  3. Garrus returning is already confirmed, courtesy of game informer :)
  4. Mortae

    Mortae Veteran FFXIV Officer

  5. Looks good actually. I think its the hair.
  6. Vangelis

    Vangelis Veteran Crowfall Member

    /Standing Ovation!!!!!!
  7. Vangelis

    Vangelis Veteran Crowfall Member

    I liked going ten toes up, ten toes down with all the ladies!!!! I felt like James T F'n Kirk!!!!
  8. Confirmed to be "in game" not confirmed as playable, according to what I read or interpretered

  9. Indeed, really hope he's in my squad though, my fem Shepard's been like his best friend and romance in 1 and 2
  10. One can only hope he's not like Liara in ME2.
  11. come on, what about legion? Second to Garrus, easily the sickest character in ME2. And rex from ME1, but of course, we lost him and got his super mutant spawn.
  12. I don't even know how I forgot about him. Legion is my favorite character, even more than Garrus actually. There's something about his dialogue that entertains me more than anyone else. Also I still don't get why people like Tali
  13. His dialogues were absolutely mind-blowing, I mean - in a sense.

    I really liked talking with Legion.
  14. I like the ship AI. When the AI is messing with Joker is one of the best parts of ME2.

    It sucks that you dont get Legion till near the end of the game. I would have liked to play with him more.

  16. Who was hardly super when compared to Wrex ... ME1 ... there was no better combo than Tali + Wrex

    Wrex in ME1 was a brutal killer, plus he had a ranged WARP attack

  17. Who says we lost Wrex he's just got better shit to do.
  18. What do you mean lost Wrex? He was in ME2 if you managed to not kill him in ME1. :p
  19. I think he just means we didn't get to use him as a squad member and we got Mr. Genetically Perfect instead.
  20. Who, in my opinion, is hardly perfect when compared to Wrex. Wrex had the same survivability and more attacks with range. Grunt was just hard to kill and good with a shotgun up close ..

    Wrex > Grunt any day of the week


    PS I hope you left Rachni queen alive, I have feeling they are going to play a supporting roll against the Reapers