Mass Effect 3

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by KnowYourFoe, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. It's obviously an early build of the game. There is almost no lip syncing, characters move like robots, and I wish desperately there was an option to invert the X axis.

    I haven't played it much simply because of the irritating camera: The X axis is the opposite to what I'm used to, and the options only let you switch around y. So I don't have much of an opinion.

    But, I will say that it looks stunning, though the beginning of the game seemed silly. "OMG SHEPARD HELP US- *kaboom*"

  2. X-axis? Wth, you want to move your mouse left and have your character aim right?
  3. Shit, I just realized (somehow....) that I did all my ME1 and ME2 saves on my Xbox and I just sold that for some cash this past Christmas. Now I gotta buy ME2 for PC and re-do my ME1 saves to the way I had them on my console.

    BAH. That's going to take a LONG time, and I don't even really enjoy ME1 anymore. /cry
  4. I'm the 360. I would get it for PC, but my saves are on my Xbox, so that's the platform I will be playing it on. ;X
  5. EA allows you to do a quick pick on all major choices from Mass Effect 1 before you start a ME2 character. This is so you can customize things if you dont have ME1 or dont have a save from it. This special feature might cost a few Dollars though knowing EA, I just remember I saw it available in ME2. SO if you do that, you only need to play through ME2 again and then youll have a max level character ready to import into ME3 with most of the choices you want from the first game as well.

    I too am playing Mass Effect 3 on XBox. I like the games better on PC as I have played them a small bit, but my friends have XBox's and had started playing ME1 on that.
  6. Or if you play on PC just go to and you're set
  7. No viruses right?
  8. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    I have a 2nd play through of ME2 saved just before the last mission, based on my Soldier Paragon ME1 save. Had to do another play through since I did not know finishing side missions after getting the IFF was killing my crew slowly. Now I will have a perfect ME2 game with all DLCs completed. ;)

    I am keeping the last mission for the day before ME3 comes out, get me in the mood. :)
  9. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    The Demo is out for anyone interested. ;)

    [EDIT] Dammit I should not have played the demo... now it's going to make the next 20 days a living hell. :(

    Demo lasted about an hour, it's split in 2 parts. First part is the game intro/tutorial and the second part is a mission around level 12-13, it's very story heavy and contains a lot of spoilers. It does give a lot of information regarding new skills and mechanics. Sadly there is no view of the ship or weapon and gear customization.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
  10. Hence why i'm not gonna even go near that demo. I WANT NO INFO

    SHEPARD ______ ANDERSON WHEN _______ ______ _____ _____!!
  12. Well of course i've watched the trailers :p
  13. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    New CGI trailer to air during this week's Walking Dead (Sunday). As much as I hate teasers for trailers... at least this one is to announce a TV spot, not an internet release.

  14. Someone play co-op with me this is surprisingly fun
  15. Fine with me!
  16. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    On the 17th, sure. I assume you have the BF3 early access. ;)
  17. ME3 seems to have a habit of making you watch children die. ._.;

    And I haven't tried the multiplayer yet. I'll check it out later.
  18. Btw spoiler alert for multiplayer. This shit is a lot gorier. You can legit headshot cerberus and their heads will explode.
  19. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    MUHAHAHAHAA... I has the collectors muhahaha
  20. Can I bang Miranda again ... what gives ?