Mass Effect 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Saffaya, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I can't freaking wait.
  2. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I'm replaying the first one in hard core difficulty mode to make me wait.
  3. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    Time to start getting pumped up !!

  4. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    This game is gunna be sick. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Bioware just knows what they're doin. :D
  5. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I'll miss exploring with the mako though ..
    Not the best control scheme for it but it really made you feel you were there, exploring, on an alien planet and looking at a different sky.
  6. I'm with you on that one. If they removed the Mako, man that really blows. The Mako resembled a somewhat advanced version of a lunar buggy, and so enhanced the experience of exploring extraterrestrial terrain. It will be missed... I'll make sure to rate the game one star less for this screw up.
  7. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I suppose they were influenced by all the crybabies who couldn't drive without falling into lava when fetching Liara :)
  8. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    Or the fact that combat with the Mako blows? :3

    I playtested it back in November and was mostly disappointed with the game, the story is gonna be fucking off the hook though, which is why I'll be renting this before going out and trading in games for it.
  9. There is a reason they allow play testing, ya know.
  10. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    The problem with the Mako is its control scheme.
    It stems from the fact that the camera's direction influences the steering in addition to your left/right input.

    Luckily, you do not need to move at all when firing. You can just dodge incoming rockets and plasma with the mako's thrusters.

    I find it fun to do, to own the Geth armatures and colossus just by skillfully jumping up and blasting them. and then to finish them on foot for maximum XP gain.
    This works with thresher maws too.

    During my last two playthroughs, I have killed absolutely everything with my guns, not a single Mako kill.
    It is really fun, not to mention challenging, especially when you spring Geth traps on remote worlds where they appear all at once.
    Skillful use of the terrain is required for killing everything using the maximum xp way. (Geth armature plasma tends to hurt on insanity level)
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2010
  11. Sneax

    Sneax Guest

    I have been looking foward to this for the longest time but sadly I am starting school up again and won't have time to play it. I guess I will have to wait a little longer for this one :(
  12. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member


    Over the month of school I had "off" i got some solid ME time in. School started last week, no time anymore :( replaced with ridiculous amounts of homework.
  13. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

  14. I beat it on PC last year (I was a late comer to ME - obviously) and I just borrowed it for the 360 from a friend of mine. I have been playing (almost nonstop) doing Regular Mode > Hardcore Mode > and I'm about "half way" through on Insanity mode today (gotta work the rest of the week though so I won't be able to finish it until next week).

    I'm so pumped for Mass Effect 2, the story was stellar and touches base with a lot of things I enjoy thinking about (I won't go into detail).

    So pumped, fixing the combat system (not really fix, just tuned up) made each class more "special" with those special abilities, I hope they fix some of the FPS issues that the 360 had on it.

    It just looks awesome, I can't wait.
  15. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    <<Mass Effect 2: Rated M for Mother Fucking Awesome >>

    I finished my ME1 3rd play two weeks ago. Soldier with Electronics skill, Insanity setting, level 60, max renegade.
    Ready to transition to ME 2.
  16. Wait, I've rolled Soldier all 3 times and I haven't had the ability to get Electronics unlocked...

    Do you have to do the VI Moon quest again?

    I hit 60 on my second playthrough on Renegade but now I'm going through again on full Paragon for 60. (My 50 was full Paragon as well)

    When I played it through on PC I had a Vanguard and was able to unlock more Soldier or Adept abilities when I CREATED my new 'New Game+' mode but I haven't had that option the 3 times I've rolled my Soldier again, do I need to do something extra or am I just screwed now, cause Electronics woulda been awesome - I could been a Sentinel instead of Solider my second run through kinda.
  17. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    It took me some time to understand it, because it was not explained clearly in the FAQs, so here it's how it goes :

    In order to unlock a skill to be used in your other playthrough, you have to use it 75 times.
    That means for electronics to be unlocked, you have to use Sabotage 75 times.
    Which means ... you have to be ABLE to use electronics in the first place.

    And so ... you have to start a playthrough as a vanguard or whatever class has electronics, use sabotage 75 times (unlocks the achievement) and then you can stop playing.

    Go to the start screen, create a new playthrough, and your soldier (or whatever other class) will be able to use electronics as its extra skill.

    Soldier + electronics = pwnage.
    With about 700 in shields, I rarely had to use medikits.
    Combined with an adrenalin cool-down timer of 36 seconds ... you get the picture.

    The achievement system on the Xbox informs you in real time when you trigger one. I don't know how it works on the PC and how you would know that you used the skill 75 times.

    My ME1 team is Soldier+electronics/ Wrex (the most GAR alien in the universe)/ Tali.
    In tough spots, I use assassination (Sniper) while Wrex and Tali cover my ass with shotguns against enemies that come charging in (they both have shotgun skills, Tali <3 ).

    Oh yeah, and sniper rifle + high explosive rounds = tEh RoXXoRs. It is tons of fun, everyone should try it once.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2010
  18. So how much was that toy Saff? You never got back to me about that.....
  19. Seven

    Seven Guest

    I got my preorder from Gamestop today. Just had to have the bitchin black Terminus Armor. WIll also have the Red Dragon form Dragon Age. I will be safely locked away Tues morning at 0930 (time to get to the store and back home). Please break down my door if you don't hear from me for more than a week......make that 2 weeks.
  20. Yeah, like I said I was able to add an ability when I played through New Game+ after on my Vanguard. I just didn't know if Solider had something special since he technically doesn't have "abilities" (you know what I mean).

    Yeah I ran through on my PC with my Vanguard twice (added Assault Rifles) and then started Soldier on Console (Again, like I said earlier - on Insanity right now on Third run). I knew about it with the 'hybrid classes', just didn't know if you had to do something special with Soldier.

    Oh, and, I'm running Wrex and Tali right now as well, electronics + biotics = own.

    @ Seven - I wanted to pre-order from Gamestop, but I have some gift cards elsewhere that I really need to use first instead of my "own" money. I'm jealous of your pre-order.