Mario - Chanter/Assassin

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Mario, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Mario

    Mario Guest

    1. Age (18+ Requirement): 22
    2. Name (Forum & IGN): Mario in game Mario or Rogmar
    3. Location + Timezone: Poland GMT+1
    4. Class: 80% Chanter, 20% Assassin (I will decide in OB)
    5. Do you have vent and a mic? (Vent will be mandatory, even if you do not have a mic, you must be able to connect and listen in): Yes
    6. Previous gaming experience: I'm playing L2 since 5 years. AoC around 3 months.
    7. Why did you chose XoO: Impet told me about you and I'm looking for a great fun and teamplay.
    8. Do you have a referal?: Impet;p
    9. A little bit about yourself: I'm 22 years old student on University of Science and Thenology. I'm playing football in IV league.
    10. Activity Level? (hrs/week): every free time i think around 30-40 hrs/week (depends on school and trainings)
    11. Applied to usergroup?
  2. Hey there,

    Thanks for the application, Could you add a bit more detail about your experience please as the more we know about you the better :)

    Also check your PMs for Vent details and hop on when you get chance so we (Myself or Insho) can have a little talk about your app. :)
  3. his pic :

  4. Prelude

    Prelude Member Bless Online Member

    Hey and welcome to the forums.Good to see more people coming from Lineage 2.
    Would like to know more details about your lineage 2 experience , eg what class / server have you been playing , what clan /alliance you ve been in maybe some info about raidbosses you ve slayed.Otherwise good luck with your appliaction / VT interview!
  5. Mario

    Mario Guest

    my expirience at L2.. hmmm... i didn't play on official retail serw because I hate bot. Only at private serwers gms were checking that. My favoritr chars was assassin and warcryer. Last 1 year i were playing as WC because i like teamplay. No ts and no chat is for me no play. If i made some mistakes in this thread sorry because i'm little drnk :p and my English is communicaitve, not excelent :)
  6. Mario

    Mario Guest

    I can be available at vent everytime you want :)

    Vent interview went well. :)

    Check Aion EU Section for more info.
  8. Impet

    Impet Veteran

    omg, wer doomed
  9. Ghostden

    Ghostden Guest

    If you are his referal then yes :p
  10. Welcome to XoO Mario. Hope you enjoy butt kicking with us.