Man Made Global Warming...

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Gankfest, Feb 17, 2014.

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  1. Is there anyone whom doesn't believe that Global Warming is contributed by Human CO2 emissions(Fossil Fuels), and needs to be set straight in the beautiful wonderful fields of science?
  2. If you dont believe it please go into your garage (make sure the door is closed), start your engine and sit in your car. The earth is just a larger garage.
  3. VakarisJ

    VakarisJ Veteran Crowfall Member

    That's not how it works.
  4. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Global warming is kinda dead now. The UN panel will soon be disbanded as more and more scientists bring proof that we have nothing to do with what we experience and that the real culprit is the sun.

    While the human interactions created off the charts CO2 level, it has no correlation anymore with temperature and weather effects. We are globally cooling since 2013 and NASA itself predicts a mini ice age before 2030.

    All of this comes from the Sun's activity that is, now, equivalent to the Maunder's Minimum of the late 17th century where they observed the same solar minimum (absolute lack of solar flares) along with the fact that sunspots just lose their magnetic complexity and simply vanish when they face Earth.

    For example, it seems that the swedes managed to invade Denmark while walking on ice in that period and u can see many paintings of the era about people ice skating on rivers in England (including the Thames) along with the swedes attacking denmark while walking on ice (

    We can also witness huge changes in EVERY planet in our solar system, which, are totally immune to our CO2 emission :
    - Jupiter lost a stripe
    - Mars got the biggest earthquakes ever
    - Venus is stopping (not its revolution but on itself)
    - Uranus has huge storms and the one we knew for so long simply vanished
    - Saturn got major changes too (forgot which ones).

    The lack of solar flaring shrank our atmosphere. This, combined with the magnetic shift we are currently experiencing (north pole racing towards Siberia), which is totally reducing our magnetic shield, is the cause for the current shift in high altitude winds (i.e. polar vortex / Jet stream) which are the cause for the crazy weather we got. Other things like noctulescent clouds appearing in various levels of altitude explain a lot too.

    This is also linked with the breakthrough in our comprehension of space that will soon (tm) replace the fantasy we heard now, the one using black holes and the like. Everything in the universe is, at the image of the human brain, electric based, as supported by the electric universe theory which is recognized by NASA since 2007 and which will have huge publications the coming month, showing how the current model makes no sense (like, everything we observe in the universe accounts for 4% of the total mass and 96% is "hidden" in dark matter / dark energy and black holes, sure).

    U can get a lot of info from Suspicious0bserver (on Youtube and he has a website as well). You can watch his C(lie)mate series which pretty much explains everything.

    For more info on the electric universe u can go to their website ( which has a good introduction on why the current model is wrong and what they are bringing.

    Some weirdos theories are also published, like saying that the governments keep pushing the 'global warming' lie in order to pass UN's agenda 21 resolution, blaming people for catastrophic events.

    Also, the BBC did a very good show lately explaining how the solar activity is behind everything we experience right now and not human activity.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  5. Dammit gankfest
  6. NASA doesn't think so; along with the rest of the world.

    Can you present any evidence to your claim, as I'm not aware of this?

    Have you seen NASA's climate models?

    While the sun is a contributing factor to Earth's temperature; unfortunately it isn't the only problem.

    Fossil Fuels:

    How does this have anything to do with Human CO2 emissions being linked to global warming?

    Thermal Radiation and CO2 (Proof of Man Made Global Warming):

    CO2 emissions of the United States, proving that Fossil Fuels create CO2.

    CO2 molecules trapping thermal radiation creating the greenhouse effect

    Real time results of CO2 trapping heat.

    Looks like we might have a little Crankery here!

    Can you link that?

    Just doing my part in making the world a more rational place. : D

    Another site full of win!
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  7. Sadly... George Carlin makes some good points about people and their way of thinking. All around some funny shit! : D
  8. Meow.
  9. I just posted it to be silly. I admit my ignorance in the matter of global warming in the sense that I cannot fully know what is the root cause. There are so many changes in science as to what is the "truth" I find it hard to call anything the "truth" these days.
  10. Alavander

    Alavander Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Since we are full of opinions here, do I believe in climate change.....

    You bet your ass

    Do I believe human interaction with our environment (earth) has any effect in warming, cooling, or an effect on weather patterns.

    You bet your ass.... NOT!!!!

    Why, simply because earths weather is effected by things so much larger then human co2 emmissions if that's your argument, take a step back and use common sense, what do you thing the sun effect has to do with bout the proximity of the about the total co2 contained in polar ice, oceans, and volcanic releases.

    Or do your homework and stop cherry picking arguments that align with what you already believe, look at known history of climate change and the MAJOR factors that are at work.

    Alternatively argue your point, its fun, its your opinion, and nothing you can say on XoO forums will have any weight.

    Oh I forgot to mention, there is no god and life has no meaning, now everything is covered
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2014
  11. How much more can I contribute to this Global Warming thing if I add another GPU to my system? And how close are we to unlocking the next achievement?
  12. I don't think you even understand the argument that is being presented...

    Maybe take the time to see what's being presented, and ask questions on any confusion; before calling someone out on their fallacy!

    Present some credible facts proving that Human CO2 emissions is not a contributing factor towards global warming.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2014
  13. First gaming related post in this thread...
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