Black Desert Malkaviane's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Malkaviane, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. Malkaviane

    Malkaviane Member Black Desert Member

    Are you over 18?:
    Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    What previous gaming experience do you have?:
    I am 42 and have played probably every popular MMO since their inception. I am a avid FPS player as well and always aspire to play at top notch levels.
    Do you have a member referral?:
    Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why?:
    I am in to both pve and pvp
    Where did you hear about us?:
    I read a bunch of guild recruitment post in the official forum section.
    Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught?:
    Based upon what i have read i feel i would be among like minded people in this guild. I enjoy this game quite a bit and have been playing for just over 30 days and have pretty much got things to where i have a good idea what i need/want to do and feel like i am ready to join a good guild so i can get shit done! I am currently working on getting more CP so i can finish laying in my foundation to produce silver so i can advance my gear.
    What is your main character's name?:
    What is your family name?:
    What is your main Characters class and level?:
    Witch Level 56
    What is your main character's AP?:
    What is your main character's DP?:
    Can you Make most Node War times? If no what days are you available?:
    What is your timezone and regular play times.:
  2. Vampire player?
  3. Malkaviane

    Malkaviane Member Black Desert Member

    Never played any online vampire games. But if your talking the, White Wolf pen & paper, then yep.
  4. Yeah and/or live action. Some of my friends were really big in the east coast vampire scene

    we have a nodewar tonight, will send you the info and someone can grab you for an interview fyi we do nodewars sun/weds/thurs 9pm-11pm est