Black Desert Maelyf's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Maelyf, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. Maelyf

    Maelyf Member

    Are you over 18?:
    Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?:
    What previous gaming experience do you have?:
    WoW (Vanillia / BC / Legion)* Runescape, Warhammer online, EQ2*, Ragnarok online, Rift*, planetside 2, All the Final Fantasy* because. * indicates Raiding experience
    Do you have a member referral?:
    No referral, spoke with Ironjaw prior.
    Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why?:
    PVP has allways been a strong focus dating back to my time in runescape and ragnarok. In wow during BC i achieved gladiator for season 2. The why is simple, through competition with others is the quickest and easiest way to self improve,
    Where did you hear about us?:
    BDO Forums
    Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught?:
    The description of the guild on the BDO site lead me to make initial contact with Ironjaw as I am looking for a Mature group of people to game with that can respect life constraints but still push themselves to compete at an aggressive pace in game and though our conversation It seems that may just be XoO. Cards on the table, myself and the group of friends that moved over to BDO are very new (less than a week in) but we are motivated to learn and catch up to the curve.
    What is your main character's name?:
    What is your family name?:
    What is your main Characters class and level?:
    Sorceress 23
    What is your main character's AP?:
    What is your main character's DP?:
    Can you Make most Node War times? If no what days are you available?:
    Once caught up in levels I have no outside time constraints beyond my 8-4pm (PST) job and the odd DND session ;)
    What is your timezone and regular play times.:
    PST. 6-10 weekdays and when not sleeping on weekends.
  2. Hey, we will have the alt guild coming up, was good chatting with you will let you know the info when we are ready. Probably sunday. I will get you guys the ts info so we can chat
  3. Maelyf

    Maelyf Member

    Sounds Good, I'll be on most of the day!
  4. @DARKTIDE!! looks like his integration isnt updating, whapes when through but not his