Looking for case

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Lime, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. I'm looking for a case with front mounted SATA bays so I can hot swap SATA drives as needed. I want to stick my old ATX board in there. It would be nice to have and IDE for an old harddrive as well, but I can live without. Hoping for something with 4+ SATA bays.
  2. I use this case
    Got it on sale a while back for like 99. I'm really happy with it. It doesn't have front mounted bays.. I mean they ARE in the front of the case, as opposed to being in the back =P you'd have to pull both sides off if you needed to pull out a drive.. so I guess if ease of pulling out is really important to you.. this one might not be too good.

    One reason I really like it is the rails on the top and bottom.. once you have everything installed, its really heavy.. so with the rails, it will slide on carpet really well =P

    My only issue is the USB ports and eSATA ports on top. There isnt a dust guard.. so it will tend to fill with dust. =/
  3. Kahne

    Kahne Guest

  4. Kahne

    Kahne Guest

    the amount of space, how heavy it is, and sucks air like a jet engine.... but, it has mesh screens on the door,i could put 3 gtx 295's in this case and have room for a single slot 9800 gt.

    and like i said, if i didn't have a budget... and was going for max performance...
  5. It kind of looks like there is a circuit board where the HD's go.. is that for drive swaping?
    Or is that not actually a board and Im just seeing things heh
  6. Kahne

    Kahne Guest

    theirs a board their but i have no clue what it does...
  7. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    The one you were looking at expensive but good choice since its aluminum.. In this day and age stay away from steel.
  8. You get what you pay for, tired of cheap ass cases that I end up replacing anyway. The case is a beaut. Designed weird, but pretty interesting. Def worth checking out for new case buyers.
  9. ...lol.


    that's the case I have, it works well. Unfortunately the side headphone jacks have shorted out twice and I don't know how to fix it :( (first time it was still under warranty from the place I bought it)