Lets talk video cards

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Deadend, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Anybody have any opinions for a $300 card mostly for fallout 4 and star wars battlefront so if waiting is better it can wait. Please use NCIX.com anything that doesn't say web only deal. And don't bother with deals yet wont have the cash until end of the month at the earliest. Just give me a general opinion on some different cards.

    Oh running a gtx 560 (not ti) on a fx4400 (going to up grade my cpu and board at a later time but since windows considers a new board a new comp I'll probably end up having to buy a new copy of that as well) 16g of 1600 ram.
  2. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Hm, it would be between a 390 and a 970 i guess if there are some deals around 300$ ? I don't think the new kickass generation will be out before next summer, so it'll depend if you want to wait that long ?

    The new Fury Nano could be something to look at too i guess, whenever it's out.
  3. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Going to get something by the time fallout 4 comes out. By the time it comes out I'm hoping I have most of a new computer. I'm just buying the parts I can use immediately and sticking them in my current rig for the time being.
    The mother board and cpu in particular is going to take some saving of change since I would like to go with Intel this time. So I'm not sure if I will have those in time. In the end I want to end up with 2 comps my old one ( with the old part put back in) for internet shenanigans and the new one for gaming. Hardware is expensive in Canada right now so I also want to wait for sales if and when I can.

    970s seem to be sitting at around $400 on sale in Canada right now so that's probably out. Same with the 390s.
  4. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Yeah have to wait for oil prices to go back up so our dollar stop being monkey money.

    US$ is at 1.26 atm wtf is going on, every meal costs me a lot atm... but hell, Virgina's food is good.
  5. GPU prices seem pretty bad in Canada, about an extra $80-100 on average :( Your best bet might be something like the R9 380 4GB model, which seems to be around $280 in Canada right now to start: http://www.ncix.com/detail/gigabyte-radeon-r9-380-g1-4c-110236-1912.htm
    It's closest competitor the the GTX 960 which is around the same price but the 380 has beaten the 960 in every test I saw. Beats it in anywhere from a 2fps to a 10fps range, with an average of 6fps better.
  6. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

  7. I didnt see any tests with the 380 4GB model, all used 2GB samples. Performance wont be any different though, it just gives more headroom for higher textures and such. The shader cores, ROPs, TMUs, etc are what gives performance and data is stored and cached into the vram, performance is what it is until you run out of vram for the necessary data and then your performance takes a nose dive. With high and ultra textures taking up more and more space having 4GB will be a very good thing to have, especially for Fallout 4 gaming because I would bet there will be a lot of high res texture packs and effect packs released for the game.

    Pre-OCed is fine because then you dont have to do it yourself. And that 1266MHz core is really good, about what I would expect from most people overclocking it themselves. If you can get it cheap then go for it for sure.
  8. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    Looking at buying a 970. Good buy?
  9. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    I snagged the white Asus 970 for $400 Canadian.
    Looks like amazon.co.uk is having a sale on them right now. Couldn't tell you what ones are incrementally better then the others though.
  10. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    Thanks guys
  11. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

  12. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    There is a gigabyte g1 gaming 970 at work. Gonna try snag that one
  13. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    got it!
    EniGmA1987 likes this.
  14. How has the GTX 970 been performing?
  15. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Been running great for me playing everything on max between 60-100fps at 1080p and Nvidia GeForce Experience even recommends doing some scaling on some games, not big games but some games like Hearthstone and Terraria and such.
  16. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    Its going pretty good. Feel as if my CPU is holding me back now. Dunno whether to get the 8350 or 8370 in december or wait till Star Citizen launches and build a new intel rig with the 970 ofc!

    But with taken king, nba, fifa, need for spped and battlefront coming this fall ill be on my ps4 all the time. so probably best to wait.
  17. Best to wait. The 8350 is good enough, but not great, and it is years old now too. AMD will be releasing their entire new architecture that revamps everything next year. Intel will also have some even nicer processors out next year, and the transition to DDR4 will be complete and RAM will be cheaper. There really is no downside to holding out 1 more year if at all possible.
  18. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    Yeah i was wondering why there were no new AMD cpus, just the refresh. I'm happy to wait. But this fx 4100 sucks at streaming!
  19. I'm just about to purchase a 970 as well, however does it really matter the brand you get? I was thinking between MSI and EVGA, but does it matter much? They are the same price and the stats seem the same.