Lalasham Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Lalasham, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Lalasham

    Lalasham Guest

    Age (18+ Requirement): 28
    Name (Forum & IGN): Lalasham / Melba
    Location : Close to Cape Town, South Africa
    Class: Sorcerer, Chanter

    Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes

    Previous gaming experience: Played endgame wow for the better part of 4 years(Vanilla,TBC & Wotlk) Retired bout 2 months ago. I Was the Shaman CL & Raid Leader in the Guild
    Mainly played Resto Shaman (Lalasham AeriePeak) as a Main for the last year and a half.

    Why did you chose XoO: Recommended by Caspinol at gunpoint

    Do you have a referal?: Caspinol,Jumirah

    A little bit about yourself: I'm a work at home Developer / Project Manager specializing in mobile development on the tip of the African Continent

    Activity Level? (hrs/week): Sort of depends on the Raid hours/Days, we raided 8-11 7/7 & i was there 85% over the last year

    Apply to usergroup: mmm ?
  2. Caspinol

    Caspinol Guest

    Great guy, great player. Only other healer on Aerie Peak (wow) who come close to beating me on EHPS ... once :p

    Great addition to any guild imo.

    GL Fanamanana
  3. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    Thanks for applying, I'm assuming by the "mmm?" you aren't sure what to do, if you go to User CP -> Group Memberships -> then click New Xoo Member (probation) -> then click join group.

    I'll organize a ventrilo meeting for you, in the time being could you post why you're interested in going Sorcerer or Chanter and what experience you have with either class.

  4. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    I've PM'd you vent details, if you could join vent tonight at about 6PM GMT, Insho will be online for an interview.
  5. Lalasham

    Lalasham Guest

    Will join vent @ 18:00

    Note about class Selection/Pref
    In previous mmos i liked playing ranged dps but dont wanna play a ranger. Mages / Sorcerers tend to be a high dps class which is what id be looking for. Chanter : I also played a shaman in WoW and like the ability to heal but also the idea of being able to give buffs etc.
  6. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    Alright that's fine, look forward to talking to you.
  7. Panacea

    Panacea Banned


    Check the Aion EU section for more info.
  8. Insho

    Insho Aion CO (EU)

    Welcome... and great job Pana ;)