Killzone 2

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Nishua, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    Just wanted everyone to know if you own a PS3 you should pick this game up. I played the short (extremely short demo) last night and the game is quite impressive. It's way better than their first attempt at the franchise which totally sucked.
  2. ya, i'll be picking it up, alot of high expectations.
  3. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    Sweet my PSN is Nishua you should add me.
  4. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    Only one more week :D.
  5. Mariusz

    Mariusz Veteran

    Ill be picking this up today, unfortunately i only have access to PS3 at the g/f's place, so will only play when im there. lol
  6. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    ^^ What's your PSN. I'm making a XoO squad :D
  7. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

    How did Killzone 2 turn out? I'm not willing to buy any games atm since I will be playing DF, but I will rent it if it is worth it.
  8. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    It's pretty cool maybe if you would respond to my PSN message I could have given you an answer earlier.
  9. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Finally got to this game.(rental)
    This game is fuckin hard I mean I'm not the best console fps player around but I'm not horrible either but I'm playing on easy and I have died about 50times so far and the missions are not even that long.

    Played a few online rounds maybe its just the servers I was on but just seems to be one side spawn camping the other until the time runs out.