Kaganda application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Kaganda, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. Age (18+ Requirement): 34
    Name (Forum & IGN): Kaganda
    Class: Chanter
    Do you have vent and a mic?: yes
    Previous gaming experience: Star Wars Galaxies for awhile, been playing World of Warcraft since a few months after it came out. Been in XoO on Sargeras server for quite some time.
    Why did you chose XoO / Why do you think you'll be a good fit:? Choose it because of previous experience in WoW and have listened in on the vent and seems to be a mature fun group of ppl playing game. I think I'd fit well into a good natured mature atmosphere of ppl who want to be a top guild in the game but still like to have fun while doing it, which is what I've seen so far.
    What will you contribute to the guild / How will you improve our guild and be a valued member? I have been a healer, dps, and a tank at various points and always strived to understand game mechanics so that I could fulfill my role in any situation to support the goals of the guild. I take orders well and can adapt on the fly as things change. Most of all I can contribute an easy going personality that enjoys doing whatever it takes to help the guild succeed.
    Do you have a referal?: Kuulin
    A little bit about yourself: I live in central indiana and have been gaming for several years. Work takes a lot of my time outside of gaming, and I spend a good deal of the rest of my time playing with my nephews/niece.
    Activity Level? (hrs/week): 15-20 hrs per week (will still be raiding on WoW Sargeras, so will mostly play before/after raid times and on weekends.)
    Apply to usergroup:
  2. I am saddened by the fact that you did not list me as a referral, and on another note you suck at healing...
  3. Justinsroy

    Justinsroy Banned

    Couldnt hurt to have more chanters.

    And why didnt you list me as a referral?!? O right...i dont know you.
  4. Solid player, does his homework and contributes where he can.

    On a side note, cox is a nub and rolled a glad cause he can't heal either. :p
  5. hey there!