
Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. I hope I get to beta test this game!
  2. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    Yeah this is a game Im looking forward to trying out. Im hoping they really get alot of good points from all the space fighter sims out there and make a really decent job out of this. If not well theres always infinity online to look forward to.
  3. i hope i get to get this one aswell ... im really starting to get frustrated with eve so many carebears and no1 wants to fight in that game anymore
  4. Erock needs to come play cod4.
  5. i need to do alot of stuff ... im waiting for darkfall and playing eve and working and trying to find a new job ... i sent my resume to a few places in Germany as well ... ever since my trip i love it even more haha :)
  6. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    ill give it a a go
  7. Molotof

    Molotof Guest

  8. yep, I asked everyone on a few occasions to post if they wanted in, did you not post commy? =(
  9. Molotof

    Molotof Guest

    k, let me know if i have to do a re-do.
    FYI Kyoji: since you seem to the the official/un-official beta mastablasta you can assume i will sign up to all your finds. if there was a constant membered division of XOO of beta testers i'm in.
  10. Good idea.
  11. [​IMG][​IMG]

    [​IMG][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Next up is “moving the eight hundred pound gorilla”, a.k.a. Beta! Until now we’ve been testing internally, with both employees, close friends and occasional outside testers. Although it’s helped us immensely in gathering feedback and testing functionality, it’s no substitute for the pounding that you guys can give it with your vast numbers and persistent exploration. So many of you have been waiting patiently, eager and itching to test the game and feedback your thoughts to make the playing experience the best it can be. We’re almost there.[/FONT]

    [​IMG][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A lot of you have supported us since the days of Jumpgate Classic, sticking by us through all these years. The original idea of Jumpgate was formed way back in 1995 when the game was just a simple ship floating in a gray 3D box. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 14 years since that journey began and now we are poised to release something that is truly special and the work of countless thousands of hours of effort spent over a decade of time.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We, the developers, will continue to talk with you, gathering feedback and letting you know how things are progressing. If we seem a bit quiet, it’s because we are working hard to make sure that you are given the experience you have waited for and the best we can create.[/FONT]

    If you haven’t yet, then sign up to the Beta and join us in helping make Jumpgate Evolution the best game of 2009! Have a great year everyone!

    Hermann Peterscheck, Producer of Jumpgate Evolution

    Manufacturing will play a big part in Jumpgate Evolution. Scattered around the universe are factories, which allow players to craft weapons, ships, modifications and items to enhance and progress your or someone else’s character by manufacturing raw materials and salvage together. These factories offer different items for manufacture depending on which one you visit and they’re located within different threat levels of space. So if you want to create a prestigious item only found at a factory that’s currently inside a combat hot spot, you’ll have to take that risk in order to receive the reward.

    Reputation and allegiance with sub-factions also plays a large part in manufacturing. In order to manufacture an item you need to align yourself with certain organisations that grant permission to access their catalogue of items. Those can then be made in stations or in sub-faction specific factories. [​IMG]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We’re also planning to have a large collection of items and ships which are “manufacture” only. This means players will need to trade and create amongst themselves to get the best possible items – not everything will be available from NPC vendors.[/FONT]
  12. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    It kind of reminds me a little of armada online. Not sure if anyone played that but it has a 'similar-ish' industry system.

    I hope when it comes down to industry they make it very diverse, it doesnt need to be complex, but if it has alot of options as to what you can build, how you build it and what you build it with then thats a good start.