H1Z1 Ironwolf's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Ironwolf, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Ironwolf

    Ironwolf Guest

    Are you over 18:
    Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone:
    What is the link to your steam profile:
    What previous gaming experience do you have:
    EQ, EQ2, Lineage 2, WoW, Rift, Age of Conan, Anarchy Online, APB, DAOC, GW1, GW2, CoH, All Battlefield games, plenty more after all that too
    What is your timezone?:
    What times are you regularly able to play:
    After 11pm eastern, before 12pm eastern
    Do you prefer PvE or PvP and why:
    PvP mainly, nothing more satisfying than crushing someones spirit.
    Do you have a member referral?:
    Where did you hear about us?:
    Google search for h1z1 guilds, found on a forum
    Why do you want to join Xen of Onslaught:
    Larger gaming communities are really an all around better choice for me, given my repertoire of games played or am playing. Reading through the forum post and website ETC has given me a good feel of the guild and I believe I'd compliment the guild well.
  2. @Scarr will be able to sort you out
  3. Scarr

    Scarr Veteran Crowfall Member

    Holding off on new apps at this time due to the state of the alpha and lack of interest from existing members. Once the game is more functional will reconsider unless told otherwise.