internet speed

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Daibar, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. lo all.

    since i work for an ISP here in denmark, i get funny links sometimes from friends and co-workers alike.

    ever had trouble with your broadband connection???
    a co-worker sent me this one.

    SA pigeon 'faster than broadband'
  2. hahahahaha that is pretty funny
  3. sadly no.. but with these internet times today.. i'm sure you can order 2 coconuts really cheap.
    that way no one can claim you lie when you ride up to them with your page "clip-clopping" away behind you ;)

    its late and i'm done for today.
    night night
  4. hahaha, thats actually real cool.
  5. Malkizid

    Malkizid Guest

    I wonder who thought of that idea... anyway it was only a matter or time until we reverted back to using animals to deliver our messages :D
  6. well, reading the article and looking up the story for other links, it came from a joke... also mentioned on one site was never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with tapes