Interesting thought...

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by SamHamwich, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Why is it today's standard to call a permanent death "hardcore" mode in games these days?

    Remember when you actually could get game over, and guess what, you had to start from scratch!

    Just a thought on how video games have evolved I guess... im horrible at most games that come out now, but i simply destroy the mario titles. I just feel like it took my skill rather time invested to complete those titles. I've been playing mario 3 since I got my old nes hooked back up and can't even beat it yet!

    Anyway, just wondering what other ways you have noticed games really evolve(not everything is bad of course) just curious as to what you guys have noticed.
  2. The largest trend in video games is the move toward "casualness" in games, that you can pick up for a short time and put back down. This comes from the much larger audience that games have where it is no longer the "hardcore" players of old, but kids who are used to and only want instant gratification from something and do not want to work at a game to gain victory.
  3. Casual makes money. People want shiny awards for jumping up and down 100 times instead of the challenge of actually beating a game. The most I ever have to restart a checkpoint 2 maybe 3 times on hard now days. Back in the day it could take an entire day to figure out how to get around some games.
  4. Indeed. The way they made the old games required a lot of skill. The Megaman games come to mind. Great gameplay and very challenging.
  5. You forgot planetside.
  6. did he?
  7. I remember the Rainbow Six series. Last time I played it I was around 13. I've been a hardcore fpser since around 15. I played it a few months ago while I got it for my brother. I couldn't even beat the first level. It was horrible, the AI would be clearing rooms no problem, I got shot by a terrorist and died in one hit the moment I opened a door. Yet I remember being able to beat the levels no problem when I was younger.

    Modern shooters focus too much on twitch abilities and not on approaching warfare realistically. I kept trying to run down corridors shooting left and right instead of crawling on the floor with a flashbang in hand.
  8. Kellexx

    Kellexx Guest

    You guys should try Super Meat Boy. It's all about old school platforming.

    This is me playing the first of 14 worlds.
  9. There is actually an online game called Salem, if you die you have to make your character from scratch again. Kinda the same thing as the "Game Over" effect.

    The Article here

    The Game here
  10. Yeah but in an MMO setting it's not so great, people are the worst type of opponent, they will do any thing possible to get an advantage(use macros, 3rd party programs etc etc. I meant really man vs. AI.
  11. And yes, super meat boy is loads of fun, there's still some good gems that come out, and I do still play recent games and do enjoy them, I just wish some old school side scrollers would come out more often.