Intellectual Arguments Part I

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Senrai, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. What is the ultimate role to man's existence on earth? (man meaning male, not mankind)

    When you break down the life and goals of each male's purpose in life, and take all factors down to the very basics. Not considering each person's own desires and goals but those that were meant for him in the overall scheme of life. What is the ultimate role of each male life form on this planet? His main purpose on the planet is to live and continue to populate the earth. That is his one and only goal, to pass on his genetic structure and further help the race evolve. He hunts(works, jobs) to eat, he builds to have shelter but these are just things to fulfil his necessities to survive. To calulate his actual achievements in life is to calculate how his offspring and nurtured and brought up in life. How they help the race evolve is what a man's ultimate existence is eventually rated. If these facts and points hold true then does it not conclude that man's one and only goal in life is to reproduce thus meaning his one and only goal is life is to have sex and as much sex as he can?

    That is why men are always horny and that is why WE CAN NOT BE BLAMED FOR CHASING TAIL!!!!!

    Your thoughts?

    (*my excuse to girlfriend for looking at every single hot piece of ass that walks by me)
  2. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Well, biologically, yes, we are hard wired with the need to reproduce. More specifically though, we are hard wired with the need to have sex. Without this trait we would cease to exist. It's the reason sex feels good, it gives us a reason to knock boots. It makes most sense when you think back thousands of years before we had detailed language capabilities and our communication was limited. What would be the drive to make babies during this time? It wasn't about sitting down with your significant other and deciding it's time to take the next step. Hell no, the only reason we are here to day is because sex is pleasurable. :D
  3. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    We males are hunters.
    It is hardwired in us.
    Of course we'll be chasing tail, that's what we have evolved for.
  4. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    And also because the human race has evolved love.
  5. Lars

    Lars Guest

    1) How does one's gender change one's purpose in life.
    2) Is your answer to 1 using a small sampling rate as your hypothesis?
  6. Id say the desire to have children in the male is a stronger drive than the pleasure.

    its why we want OUR why some males in species kill the young of other happens even in human society.

    But as for being your excuse to eyeball other women..that's poor...just tell her your not able to control your urges...its like a form of tourettes.
  7. I pity anyone who believes they do something purely out of some "evolved need." Lack of self-control is a personality flaw. Accept it and move on IMO.
  8. dash

    dash Guest

    When I get busted checking out a girls ass, I just say "Did you see that ass staring at me,honey? It's like I'm a piece of meat or something."
  9. illincrux

    illincrux Member

    "How they help the race evolve is what a man's ultimate existence is eventually rated."

    Actually, I have to disagree with that one since I believe it's the job of a female to determine how our species evolves. Studies have shown that it's the women that pick up on men given the fact that they give off nearly a hundred+ signals (directly and indirectly) to attract the right male while men on the other hand only give off 1 or 2.

    All in all, they are the queens of natural selection...
  10. Lars

    Lars Guest

    1a: Cite?
    1b: I'd call that conscious selection or social darwinism.
  11. ...
    i vas joshing oh em geeeeeeeee......................

  12. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    thats what she said...
  13. Lars

    Lars Guest

  14. me..hehehe

    # is commonly used to denote sarcasm/joke

    #we love Justin Beiber!!!!!
  15. illincrux

    illincrux Member

    Science of Sex Appeal on the Discovery channel and some dating material I've read in the past. heh

    Neither, but I guess if I were to re-phrase it...
    ...I would say, females are the dominant sex when it comes to Sexual Attraction. Reason being, if you were to remove human culture and all of the social amenities, you would be left with the underling instinct of seeking out the most dominant male for not only survival but also for the survival of the offspring which is pretty common amongst most mammals.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  16. Lars

    Lars Guest

    I'd have to agree with that isolated point, and that the animal side at least influences the culture in some way, though those are subconscious and chemical processes which are lower on the chain than conscious brain.
    Though, it tends to be very weird for people to pick partners consciously, so I'd have to agree that it plays a big part.
  17. illincrux

    illincrux Member

    Indeed, most especially during times of pregnancy which is when a female is most vulnerable to predators. It makes sense that males would naturally evolve to become stronger to protect against potential threats. Hence the reason why females have so many different signals of attraction to choose from; which is so that they may attract the strongest male.

    EG Lip stick, twirling of hair, showing skin, hip rolling while walking, nail color, blush, smell, etc etc...

    While males on the other hand, like I said...only need 1 or 2. lol

    1 being strength (or the level of potential to survive against predators), and the 2nd being driven by culture...
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2010
  18. Lars

    Lars Guest

    He was trying to make the point that women are attracted to men on a biological and scientific level by a small number of factors, mostly controlled by survival instinct and chemical factors, though the conscious level works on dozens of factors, and the subconscious level works on hundreds (at least).

    Scientists can't even conceptualize how people think, let alone open their eyes to the fact that human social dynamics are a swirling 4th dimensional mess and that it works on non-quantifiable non-linear non-objective layers.
  19. Easiest just to find a girlfriend who thinks girls are hot too. No arguments.
  20. What do you mean its weird? I consciously pick "partners" all the time. I walk into a room and go "eww" "eww" "eww" "maybe" "eww" "maybe" "definitely" "eww" definitely" "eww". Thats a pretty conscious decision IMO. and if the "eww's" try and hit on me I dont go for that because Ive already made up my mind. Its what I call standards. Although there are exceptions to the standards, like if someone is just barely below the bar, but has a great personality then it is acceptable. Or if someone is a little above the bar, but has a horrible personality then the answer is no on that one.

    And dont judge me and be like all "oh I cant believe you ever admitted to just looking at how women look". ALL males see things first with their eyes before other senses. It is the initial attraction point to any female. Whether you know you are conciously doing this or not, it does happen. It is the other factors after our mind is made up on what is acceptable and not that then iinfluence who we go with.