Insurgency tournament

Discussion in 'FPS Public Chat' started by Disarray, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Disarray

    Disarray Member FPS Member

    About 15 minutes ago I was contacted by Chewie, a guy I played the game with a while back, asking if I wanted to play in a tournament to help bring attention to the competitive scene of the game. He sent me the details and said that teams can sign up. The tournament is being held on the 4th of April at 2 PM EST; that's a Saturday for those without a calender.

    Here is the link to all the info on the event:

    The gist of it is 5v5 Firefight, first to 9 wins, double elimination. There is some other stuff there I don't understand but is probably not that important. Suspense on the signup is next Thursday, 2nd April, so we need names. Now is better than sooner and sooner is better than later. I'm down for one so we need at least 4 more for a team, we could sign up as individuals if we have to but that would be lame. If we get enough people together we could probably even sign up more than one team.

    So who is up for a little fun?
  2. That is great. Id love to get a team or two going for Insurgency tournaments. Tried to about 6 months ago but didn't get enough interest, but now with 3x as many people in the FPS division we can probably get it going. Be sure to PM Bishop or talk to him in Teamspeak, he and his group of close friends are doing a lot of Insurgency stuff and he is hosting our server.
  3. yeah im definitely down for the tourny!
  4. Burzak

    Burzak Veteran

    I can give it a shot :D
  5. I realized this weekend, the 4th, is the weekend of easter so I wont be able to attend, since I'm going back home to visit family. Sorry. Super mad they picked THIS weekend of all weekends. Super dumb.