illin's art

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by illincrux, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. dash

    dash Guest

    I'm not sure what reverse-cleavage is but think I like it!
  2. illincrux

    illincrux Member

  3. If you wanted to get XoO into it you should of etched the X symbol into the shoulder pads. hehe

    Looks amazing thus far.
  4. Ah, Cleavage. Thank you! Now she needs some hair xD
  5. I'd do her
  6. Kiyam

    Kiyam Banned

    Oh my god a Maya user <3333

    I like the progress you made so far!

    Do you like some critique? I like the definition and design of the boots and shoulder pads. Also the torso needs a bit more work I think? :) Maybe some more definition on the abdomens it looks a bit stretched.

    Other than that keep it up ^_^
  7. illincrux

    illincrux Member

    I'll be sculpting that in as that falls into the realm of 'fine details'... that's just the sculpting mesh. =]
  8. illincrux

    illincrux Member

    I live to be criticized on my work!

    And yeah, it's a bit stretched since the actual skeleton for kayle is disproportionate to a 'normal' female body. The worst part about the original model is her arms; it's like dude, her fuckin' shoulder length in nearly a foot! =p

    Btw, i'm working on doing some mods for GTAIV ATM with a team, so I've put kayle on hold...i'll post my progress on that when ready.:bashful:
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  9. illincrux

    illincrux Member

    lol, maybe i'll make her into one of the strippers in gtaIV...for your enjoyment! lmao

    Or if you'd prefer, a male version? lol
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  10. Mix the two genders and now we are talking.....