Icelyn's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Icelyn, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Icelyn

    Icelyn Guest

    TERA (EU) Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    What are you looking for in a community/guild and how do you feel XoO will forfill your needs
    I am looking for a PvP oriented guild which is capable to clear all available PvE content.
    why do you think you will fit in on your previous awnser
    I adore PvP and have years of experience with MMO's
    What is your focus on in the game
    mainly PvP
    Are we the first guild you join in this game
    ex-member of Nightfall
    Link us your Glyph build using the glyph builder and explain wy you picked those glyphs
    level 55 currently so build not yet finished
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    WoW since it's release. Stopped a year ago. Have played AoC for half a year and Aion for a couple of months.
    What is your activity level?
    When will your activity level be the highest
    defers according to work schedule.
    mostly monday-wednesday afternoons/nights.
    friday-saturday during the day.
    Do you have a referral?
    Zyon(Nightfall), Kai(Nightfall)
    A little bit about yourself?
    Coming from Bulgaria.
    Studying and working in Denmark.
    Living with my girlfriend.
    Working out 2/3 times a week.
    Hairy as an ape!
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
  2. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    Im sorry but oneline answers in the applicationform just don't cut it in this community.
    You are welcome to redo your application, and i strongly sugest that you put some more time and effort into your answers.
  3. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    have not recieved a new and improved application from this applicant. Applicant DENIED