I lol'd a bit in anticipation of win, but video did not deliver. Sorry but I don't find slow kids being slow that funny... though I did like this version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViTlAHhwrbI I like that it implies ignorance to the original connotation, was quite quaint and therefore enjoyable =3
so thats where that sound bite came from. I hear that all the time in Second life..I even have it. It was fad in sl for a bit. Now I know..thanks.
Congratulations! You win the IEEE Internet Award for being at least 6 months behind everyone else on the internets! Have you heard about this new guy named "Rick Rolling?" ...just kidding. If you think that kind of stuff is funny, go to http://www.fazed.net/ and look through the back links in the archive there...basically everything funny on the internets finds its way there.