I got unrightfuly banned.

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Krazy Merc, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. Krazy Merc

    Krazy Merc Guest

    I got banned from your black ops server and I have no clue why cause I have never cheated a single day in my life and in fact this is the first time I have been banned from in all of the following games.

    W@W Call of Duty World at War
    COD4 Call of Duty 4
    CS 1.6 Counter-Strike
    CCS Counter-Strike Source
    MoH Medal of Honor
    BC2 Bad Company 2
    B2 BattleField 2
  2. Yeah I'm Guessing it was for to many team kills .
    We run our server on HardCore mode and in that mode friendly fire is on.
    So if you drop a air strike and you kill a bunch of team mates it's a automatic ban
    We have not found away to turn it off yet .
    But don't worry it's only a temp ban thats only last one or two maps.
    You should be able to log in to the server after that.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  3. Krazy Merc

    Krazy Merc Guest

    Wow what a relief

    Right before I got banned I did a bomb drop in the center of the map lol.
  4. yeah last night we were playing Nuke Town and all of us(about 8 people) ended up getting kicked/ban on our owen server .:D
  5. lol thats one way to kick good people in the nuts

    o you got a nuke? ban
  6. I get banned every time I play nuke town... too many tks.
  7. Haha.. yeah.. happens on other servers too.. Drop a carpet bomb.. BOOOM.. there you go.. bye bye server lol
  8. Drakein

    Drakein Guest

    Personally that is kinda STUPID if you ask me. I mean it was unintentional, now if you really intended to kill your teammates with that carpet bomb then it should be banned. I think the only proper solution is to add a something that can let you vote a person out of the game for something like intentionally using carpet bomb or any other AoE skill to kill his teammates. That would be the best solution.
  9. r u a part of XoO or just a guest?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  10. Pretty sure OP is a guest that was playing on the server.

    In regards to Drakein, there is no way to edit said server settings as of yet. If we can get the ability to do that later on then obviously it would be a bit different.

    We can't even set the settings that much on the servers.
  11. I hate tk bans. Most of the time its because some r-tard walks in front of your already shooting gun.
  12. its true.

    I think we have all been banned at least a dozen times.
  13. Nuke Town is a guilty pleasure for me.

    I get really excited when I see the load screen, then automatic dread overwhelms me from the amount of TKs or "BS" shots that are going to happen to me.
  14. BTW he was banned for racial language that isn't tolerated.
  15. I wouldn't mind a kick, but first-time ban is a little much.
  16. I have yet to be kicked for TKs :p
  17. Just saw this, yeah - that's not very good, if true..