Holiday Community Meeting

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Brownmccoy, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, we know its the holidays, but its been a while since we've had a meeting and we don't want to wait any longer. We are having a community meeting on Dec 30 at 9PM EST. We will be discussing quite a few things, including the following:

    New XoO forum details
    The XoO Credit system and casino
    New ranking system
    New Xenate additions
    Division reports
    Upcoming games discussion
    Various discussions

    If you can think of any subjects not listed, please post them and we'll make sure its talked about.

    Community Relations
  2. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    it would be great if you guys could also put down the time in GMT so the european members know when the meeting will be in their time zones :)
  3. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    Also, Tommy for Xenate discussion. You missed that part brown. I got your back though.
  4. Ugh.. still won't be there. Work until 10pm =/
  5. Kurushii

    Kurushii 神いわゆるGOD

    I should be able to make it. 10pm would be a lot better for me just in case I do have to work.
  6. should be there
  7. Ill try to make it.
  8. might be a good idea to cover new leadership in general. Jarien became global moderator and Xamiazi moved on to RL work. =)
  9. And new xenate members too? Saw Vegeta with Xenate tag. Congrats to him though =D
  10. Reminder: This is on Thursday. Post anything you think should be mentioned at the meeting
  11. How awesome Doc is.
  12. Bump
  13. I'll try and be there.
  14. I'll log in after works.
  15. ill log in after work to listen....i will be almost 3 hours after you guys are done with it though hahaha.
  16. dabosh

    dabosh Guest

    Sorry guys im 7 hrs ahead of you.
  17. EVOESI

    EVOESI Guest

    Not going to be able to make it... going to be spending most of the day in San Francisco.
  18. In the process of editing the podcast for the people who missed it.
  19. Ok the meeting as been edited and loaded to the website. For those who missed the meeting here is the link.

    XoO Community Meeting 12-30-2010

    On a side note, The Berch has taught me a valuable lesson, don't edit with headphone on if he is in the chat room. I think one of my ear drums has been blown :p
  20. thanks for getting this done Terand. I'll give it a listen when I get home from work today!