Hey Xen of Onslaught!

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Twilight, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. Twilight

    Twilight Guest

    Hey guys and gals, how are you all?

    I'm Twilight from The Condemned, and I'd like to just make a quick thread to welcome you all to an alliance with us, and use this thread so we may better get to know each other, after all, we'll be laying waste to anyone who crosses our path together :)

    I'll be playing a gladiator, with the intention of being 25 by the time of official launch and 30 the next day. My focus is going to be melee DPS, using the gladiators speed to counter enemy rangers and fleeing enemies. Also, I don't mind who I group with, so long as we're on good terms with them (of course, guildies get priority, but allies are priority beta, so if we have a free spot, you're more than welcome to join up and party up. Also, raids with allies are always welcomed, just shoot me a message and I'll let you know if I can make it or not, pending if I'm not wrapped up with guild affairs and shenanigans :)).

    Once again, it'll be great playing with you guys and I hope to see you all in game, leveled up, and ready to kick some Asmodian keester!

    *Edit: I'd like to include and mention that I'm not an officer of the Condemned, just a member, so my opinions and statements are not that of the guild's but my own, and if other members of Condemned post here (like I know they will), their opinions expressed are also their own.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2009
  2. Whitestar

    Whitestar Guest

    THX for the great intro Twilight! Hey XoO I'd also like to welcome you all to the allaince even though i am a new Condemned member i love it here and know all of you will as well. I just wanted to welcome you all and say hi, can't wait to play with you all in NA release! =]
  3. I'm new myself.

    Nice to meet you! I look forward to having a great time in Aion with Condemned as well!
  4. Krazy

    Krazy Guest

    Welcome guys! I can't wait to fight with you guys through pve and pvp. Hope to talk to ya guys in vent soon!
  5. prio

    prio Guest

    Hi. Should be fun.
  6. dash

    dash Guest

  7. Lol... thought it was our TwilightAngel at first.

    Welcome guys, looking forward to stomping face with y'all. :D
  8. uh oh.. 2 twilights??

    There is going to be trouble!!
  9. Twilight

    Twilight Guest

    You know me all to well. ;)
  10. Welcome Welcome :p

    I will be playing a Gladiator as well

    Hope we can kickass together :D
  11. KalamityK

    KalamityK Guest

    I was gonna make a thread but twilight did such a great job there's no need lol Anyway I look forward to getting to know you guys/gals and kicking asmo butt together =P
  12. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

    welcome aboard, looking forward to stomping some enemies with you guys :D
  13. Azuregon

    Azuregon Guest

    That sounded hot, look forward to rolling some asmodian face with you and your guildies. Good to be allied with you
  14. Twilight

    Twilight Guest

    That sounded hot. Haha.

    I roll face every time my girlfriend is here. Rick style. Never gonna give her up.
  15. Taken

    Taken Veteran Crowfall Member

    Welcome. This is going to be fun ...
  16. Sin (Alliance)
    Immortal (Alliance)
    Vice Lords
    Virtue Alliance
    Honor Guard
    Outbreak Alliance
    Rage (Alliance)
    Nightshade Alliance
    Animosity (Alliance)
    Aversion Alliance
    Eternal Alliance
    Nocturnal (Alliance)
    Dark Paradigm
    Chaotica Alliance
    The Fallen Alliance
    Desolation (Alliance)
    Obsidian (Alliance)
    Art of War
    Cataclysm (Alliance)
    Stromfront Alliance
    Chaos (Alliance)
    Absolute Alliance
    The Order
    Stormfall Alliance
  17. ROFL... who farted that one out of their ass?
  18. Twilight

    Twilight Guest

    I personally think we should call the alliance "Condemned and Onslaught are Crazy Killers" (COCK)
    or Fantastic and Uber Child Killers (F**K).

    Or Twilight's funhouse. :D
  19. Hathian

    Hathian Guest

  20. BAMFs is still the best idea for our alliance name.