Heroes and Generals

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Object, Oct 26, 2016.

  1. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    One thing that always confused me is why XoO never really got into HnG. We did Planetside 1 and Planetside 2 twice but never really got a division for HnG even though it really should be right down our alley.
  2. Never even heard of it
  3. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    HnG is basically a FPS combined with a RTS. The 'Heroes' part is the FPS and is very similar to any Battlefield game, you can drive a tank, be a sniper, infantry or fly a plane. The 'Generals' part is where it gets interesting, once you either level up your character enough to unlock the rank or just buy it (similar to how planetside 2 unlocks worked, either grind it out or just buy it) you have the ability to send units out to the battlefield. These units in the RTS determine what units can be played in the FPS. For instance if you have a fps battle starting between 4 infantry units and then 1 recon, 2 infantry and 1 tank unit then you will see one side with only infantry while the other will have infantry, snipers and tanks.

    You can play quick battles which do not have the 'Generals' aspect to it but if you join the campaign then you could run into very one sided situations based on how the 'Generals' are sending their units out. Because of all this the game ends up being incredibly team oriented and the campaigns will end in one side winning by taking enough capitals.

    The game was made by the old team that made the original Hitman games and a few other titles here and there so it does have a decent team behind it and due to the game being fairly old now they have squashed a lot of the balance issues that plagued the game in earlier days. The only reason I don't play it is my old crew switched to Russia when the 3rd nation came out (America, Germany and now Russia) and I had far too many high ranking characters in Germany.

    The game has a Mixed review score on steam, at 67% but the game has gone through many changes while it was in early access so it ended up pissing off a fair amount of people with some balance changes it implemented. The game was officially released on Oct 18th 2016, so only 8 days ago.

    There are a fair amount of reviews talking about russian cheaters, the problem with these reviews is there were a LOT of extremely skilled US and German players (the nations in game not RL Americans and Germans) that switched to Russia when the nation was first released. I'm sure there have been legit cheaters here and there but in my experience most have been put in check quite quickly. You can check this game on steamcharts, I'm sure it wouldn't have that amount of active users if hacks were rampant.
  4. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    Just want to add that as for populations the Soviets have the least population so if XoO wants to make a division here because of the launch I would suggest we all go Soviet. The Germans have the most amount of players now and it seems a lot of the vets I spoke about that switched to Russia switched back to Germany so expect to win a lot of you choose Germany. I also have a ton of money invested into Germany but I honestly wouldn't mind switching to Russia if you guys want to get into it with a decent number of people, and by decent number of people I'd suggest 5+ people and certain people in XoO I'd count as two people some of you guys are fucking nuts in fps games.
  5. Aeros

    Aeros Veteran

    I have several hundred hours into this game with a maxed out germany infantryman. This game is old school fps feeling but crazy good in my opinion. Cover matters I have caught people sniping from 1 bush over from me, this isnt no battlefield where someone turns shrubs off and can see you sniping on a hill a mile away.

    On that note while russia is the lowest population I would steer clear of them. Their tanks aren't the best and they are meh. The only thing they got for them is you can eventually get up to a gun that can literally kill light vehicles (think 50 cal), where the other 2 sides only have rockets and other tanks for long range vehicle destruction.

    The game requires you to earn ribbons via experience using them which gets those weapons/vehicles to a certain level and then you can equip mods or unlock other weapons. However while you start out with 1 weapon only, everything can be considered side grades as the number of rounds to range to damage is all balanced on every weapon for the most part.

    Germany wins the most matches generally speaking in the war campaign however they never win the war. Germany starts semi between the other 2 sides so they always get sandwitched and double teamed.