Heroes and Generals

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by VakarisJ, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. VakarisJ

    VakarisJ Veteran Crowfall Member

    It's a F2P MMO that's in beta and doesn't really have a whole lot of content, but it's a fairly fun game. It's somewhat like the old Battlefield games, but with two interesting twists:
    1) life-tickets (called Assault Teams) are moved around the campaign map by players, instead of automatically given for each battle by the AI. They govern how many, and of what type, units of equipment can players call onto the field and are maintained completely by players.
    2) you can equip your Hero characters (that fight in the FPS part of the game) as you like, so long as you stay within bounds of 3/4 weapons and 10 weight slots. For instance, you can have a Thompson (6 weight slots) and a Scoped M1903 (4 weight slots). Based on the amount of weapons that you take and their combined weight, your ability to sprint decreases and spawn time increases accordingly.
    For more info, here's the Beginner's Guide part of the forums.

    As a limited offer, they have a slight promotion going on: if you play in the FPS part of the game before this Friday 1500CEST/0900 US EDT, you'll get free 3 days of veteran status (subscription model). There will also be a competition running in the background. More info here.

    The veteran status gives you faster XP gain, more credits per game (used to upgrade your Heroes), more warfunds per game (used to upgrade and maintain your Assault Teams), 1 extra badge (perk) slot and 1 extra weapon slot. Frankly, the extra badge is the only part of the game that can be considered P2W, everything else is very nicely balanced.

    If you're interested, you can download the game from Steam. I'm playing on the underdog team -- United States. They currently have 2574 players vs Germans' 2760 and generally have more newbies. They could really use some organized (or at least semi-organized) help.
  2. ramp

    ramp Guest

    there are many giveaway sites u can use all keys and u get free month veteran
  3. InJOKER

    InJOKER Guest

    do u have a link for a sites that giveaway a key??
  4. ramp

    ramp Guest

    old list

    google 'heroes generals + giveaway 3 days veteran' for moar
  5. It's a nice game, imo.

    A "nice" game.