Herak's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Herak, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Herak

    Herak Guest

    Guild Wars 2 Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your prefered playstyle?
    What kinds of activities are you interested in?
    Competitive pvp
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    WoW, Gw, LoL, Dota, Lineage 1-2, CnC (all), AoE, SC, Aion, Bf series, Hello Kitty Online (-not rly-)
    Why did you choose XoO:
    Been with you before
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I'm awesome
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    on rpgs I would say an awesome healer but since gw2 killed most mmorpgs archetypes I would say... just a mega competitive and friendly guy (rly hard question, you know?)
    Do you have a referral?
    Kyoji (???) dunno if he remembers me from back on the day
    A little bit about yourself?
    23 year old, motion graphic designer from buenos aires, Argentina. I'm going for my second college degree and currently employed in a 3D animation / architectural visualization studio while bodybuilding (im a fucking weird mix)
    Activity level?
    20++ unless in finals
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup?
  2. Do you currently play a game with XoO, or are you returning?

    You're application doesn't really give me a good idea whether or not you're what we're looking for. If you could give me a bit more than one-line answers, I would really appreciate it.
  3. Herak was with Aion NA and Rift in the early days of both, but has been gone for a year.
  4. Herak

    Herak Guest

    Ahhh, yeah well... I guess my application form is a bit poor compared to the other guys on the lobby, ill remake it below.

    Aion turned out to be a biiiig disappointment after a month
    Rift and its awesome tech support decided after 2 months argentina was suddently a part of europe (Freddie Mercury Ultra High-Angle Reverse Facepalm) and I should be forced to play there to guarantee a better gaming experience.

    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your prefered playstyle?
    What kinds of activities are you interested in?
    Competitive PvP, if the game goes as an eSport, ill be the 1st breaking my *** off
    Previous Gaming Experience:

    Im a big fan of RTS // MMO's (pvp oriented) games.
    Started out in the online scene with AoE/Sc series back in the day.
    Like most people that played SC, went into WC3 (where I sucked) and learned to love DotA because of it(and other moba games, even played demigod, possibly the worst game ever)
    At the same time Diablo led me to Helbreath, my favourite mmo game of all time, (hardcore pvp, with a freaking painfull full gear drop death penalty).
    After HB went f2p Always sticked to Lineage 2 up to this year, since again, someone decided to go f2p and ruined a perfect game.

    Somewhere in between CnC3 came out, Got to the top 10 1v1, 1st place 2v2, 1st place Clan 1v1, 1st place Clan 2v2 all at the same time going with the nick "EatYourVeggies" -Grom hellscream anyone?-. Game tourned out to be less popular than expected since ... I believe one of the new red alerts came out.

    Played GuildWars all the way till a few months after nightfall came out since I started college on 2007.

    After that been looking for a good mmo game, tried everything, Aion/Rift/Eve/WoW/Warhammer (just because they had latin servers and I had a ton of RL friends playing it) and even F2P "game mall games" which I wont reveal to keep my honour intact.

    In the FPS genera, always loved the BF series. BF1942, 2k42, 2 (Came out as a CAL undefeated champion with my clan "granaderos" in there) now bf3... but its always been more as a transition phase between games.

    ATM im just playing LoL and I believe im pretty good.... although I most likely troll other players

    Why did you choose XoO:
    XoO has always been a good clan for me. For most of you out there it might seem a bit weird, but its not common for guild to be as open with people from latin america, there's a lot of prejudices regarding nationality in mmo the overall mmo community

    People been always up for having fun in open world pvp (aion//rift betas and early releases)-I still keep the aion cbt's fraps XD -

    Guilds require a lot of organization an dedication from its members, xoo always had that.

    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I'm awesome, easy to go with, pvp enthusiast, proactive and can help with spanish/portuguese/french homeworks (*wink wink*)

    What will you contribute to the guild?
    Same as above. I usually don't play in a casual manner. If the game captures my attention I'll learn every single aspect of the game. All tough im not known for my big patience when someone screws up big time in a “big†or “important†pvp fight (god, lineage 2 taught me that), I usually end up explaining everything.

    Like I said before, I love supporting/tanking archetypes, but since guildwars 2 killed that its kinda hard to tell what kind of “ingame†contribution other than a good and helpful guild member could be.
    Im looking forward for an asura guardian if that adds anything

    Do you have a referral?
    Kyoji (???) dunno if he remembers me from back on the day
    A little bit about yourself?
    23 year old, motion graphic designer from buenos aires, Argentina. I'm going for my second college degree and currently employed in a 3D animation / architectural visualization studio while bodybuilding (im a fucking weird mix)
    Activity level?
    20++ unless in finals. Probably a lot more.
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup?
  5. Awesome!

    Shoot me PM to set up a time I can give you a quick interview.