
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Jennifer, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. Jennifer

    Jennifer Guest

    Hi everyone, I'm Jennifer from Jennifer's Playhouse. I'm stopping by to say hello and to let you know how nice it is playing COD4 with a lot of your members. You have a lot of stand-up guys in this clan. I'm looking forward to many more days of gaming with you guys. :)
  2. woot jen!

    Now you stalking me on my own forums?!!! lol

    How you been?
  3. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    Heya Jennifer
  4. Thanks for the kind words. :)
  5. =O
    You need a new name. It's mine!

    But welcome :) Most folk here are pretty decent.
  6. bah you guys couldn't post this on the other thread she made?!!! JEEEZ....
  7. Jennifer

    Jennifer Guest

    Lol. Oops. I posted twice. Maybe one of your moderators can fix that.
  8. Jennifer

    Jennifer Guest

    Hi ya cox. I'm doing great thanks. Stalking is my specialty. lol :p
  9. Jennifer

    Jennifer Guest

    Sorry about the name steal. lol . Man there are a lot of Jennifers playing this game. Your the 4th one I've met. Thanks for the welcome.
  10. Jenifer from that server we played on a few times?
  11. lol a few times... well maybe you guys a few times, I am always hanging out there.

    Yeah, someone called me a hacker there Jenn, just because I sniped them in the like 4x and went 22-0 :rolleyes: lol
  12. Moon

    Moon Guest

    Can i be a jennifer too?? Lol
  13. Kav

    Kav Member

    And me? Please?
  14. No Kav, you are just creepy...

    Guys playing girls... what is the internet coming to?
  15. HA.
    I laughed.
  16. Jennifer

    Jennifer Guest

    Haha. Wonder why.. I mean, how dare they. Who was it Cox? We'll take care of them. ;)

    My sig is little. But I found pink :)
  17. Threads merged.

    And welcome, Jennifer. :)
  18. Kav

    Kav Member


    I WAS JK!!!!! LOL!

    But seriously, what IS the internet coming to?
  19. Namdrin

    Namdrin Veteran

    I know right? Thats why I stick to the rules!

    "Everyone on the internet is male until you hear them on vent" Sometimes you can't even trust that! LOL

    Welcome Jennifer! :D
  20. this thread has now been sunshyned