Hellgate: Tokyo

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Valindria, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. Teaser:

    "Hanbitsoft has announced Hellgate: Resurrection will launch officially on December 8, and revealed a teaser trailer of Hellgate: Tokyo. The ACT 1 (of 10) is scheduled to be implemented on March 2010 . Players emerge into a devastated Tokyo, with access to 10 regions, including three types of boss monsters. Hanbitsoft stated during the press conference that the game still uses some of the old Hellgate: London source code, but it has been updated with new content. They have removed the level cap [50], and implemented a character advancement system. They also updated the unfinished Abyss Chronicle.

    Some of the locations to be visited are Tokyo, Yokohama and Osaka. The game will be free to play with basic items, and Hanbitsoft plans to offer a service that allows players to purchase items for real-money. Something to highlight from the concept art of Hellgate: Tokyo is the Templar's armor, which resembles a Samurai.

    There are rumours abound that Hanbitsoft purchased the rights of Hellgate: London from Namco to publish the game in USA, or is in process of. There is no confirmation on these rumors yet.

    According to the press release, this is the intended release schedule:

    November 13: Hanbitsoft changes the name Hellgate: London to Hellgate: Resurrection
    November 17: New server opens for beta test
    December 8: Hellgate: Resurrection officially launched
    December 22: Start billing item service
    January 2010: Implementing Difficulty-mode: Danjonmodo
    March 2010: "Hellgate: Tokyo" ACT1 implementation


    Source: http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/hellgate-tokyo-teaser-trailer/

    This could be good news. HG:L had TONS of potential. I really do hope Namco/bandai can work something out with Hanbitsoft to get it to North America.
  2. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    lol. Don't suppose this one will be uh ... a little more anime. That combined with demons could be hilarious.
  3. I really liked HG:L, I am surprised to see someone picking up on the model considering how fast it died.
  4. How much of the story do you want? :) I'll try to do the fast version

    Bill Roper/Flagship Studios borrowed money to create HG:L and Mythos. They put the intellectual property (IP) as collateral for the loans. When they stopped paying the bills, Hanbitsoft got all the IP for HG:L. A bank got all the IP for Mythos. Namco/Bandai has the rights to distribute HG:L in North America.

    My understanding is the Korean version of HG:L that was released was doing ok with it's model. So I don't think it's a Free/VIP model but an micro transaction model. I guess we'll see what happens in the future but I hope it makes its way back here.
  5. hellgate had NO potential. They should of changed the name and ditched "Hellgate" after the last epic failure.
  6. Actually they never intended to make Mythos, it was just a tech demo they created while working on Hellgate, and it turned out so well they decided to roll with it.
  7. Fixed. The PvE in the game was a lot of fun. The classes were unique to most MMOs out there. I personally had a lot of fun with the game. The Dual model was a dumb idea, which is why I think the Free to Play with Micro will work out for them.

    Yeah. Though they did hire people to work on it. They spent time and money on it. If all the focus was on HG:L and 0 on Mythos past the Ping0 testing maybe things would be different today.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  8. Well that's just what I meant by 'decided to roll with it.' But don't lose heart, the guys at Runic Games, the team who originally made mythos, are going strong with the Torchlight MMO. It's going to be fun, I'm sure we'll all be in there!

    Here's the link to the Torchlight MMO discussion over at Runic Games.
  9. well they did have no pvp potential but, the whole instanced thing also killed the PvE for me as well. the idea was neat, but when they decided to instance everything they ruined it IMO.
  10. That's what made it better for me. I have found I prefer instanced games (GW, DDO, HG:L). I have tried others and didn't like it. I played a little bit of WAR and found the persistent areas annoying. You would kill 4 enemies, turn around and see the 1st one back alive again. EQ you would get to an area and have to wait because another group had killed what you were after. Even WOW has instances now (From what I understand since I have never played it).

    I guess I am just a fan of the form party in town and go do the quest style online games.
  11. WoW actually has an excellent mix of both Instances and non-instanced areas. Though most instanced areas can't be solo'd, if any at the recommended level.

    I enjoy playing MMO's which have a lot of group quests and areas. What sucks is games like AION and such which create games that are completely solo with very few areas to actually group. Groups even seem to be hindered in many ways.
  12. Except Hellgate had the shittiest level design imaginable. Or it had exactly one level design: linear tunnel, and they did it shitty at that. I can *imagine* HG:L being better, but it didn't get any better as you went along unfortunately.
  13. Hellgate could be back in North America! Hanbit now has the NA distribution rights. So we will see. I still think this game had tons of potential and I am curious to see what they do in the future. I can wait to get my engineer in action again. It would be cool if we can jump right into the Toyoko part of it. I mean when it gets to NA if they include that part too.
