Headset From Amazon

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Neberius, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Neberius

    Neberius Member

    I have recently been thinking of getting a new gaming headset, since my old pair of Turtle Beach X1s no longer work, and I have a $100 Amazon card that has been sitting around for some time, never used.

    Does anyone have suggestions? I've also never used a wireless headset, so how are those?
  2. Depends what you are going for. I am assuming you have gaming in mind, but do you want stereo, virtual surround, or surround headphones? Do you care about them being USB or 3.5mm connections?
  3. Neberius

    Neberius Member

    Well, I'm just a guy who normally goes for "It works and has nice quality". I'm not entirely sure what the differences between stereo, virtual surround, and surround are. Is there any advantage to just USB or 3.5mm connections? My Turtle Beach used USB purely for power and the 3.5mm headphone and microphone jacks at the same time.

    Care to enlighten me? :D
  4. I REALLY like my old Sennheiser HDR 120 Headphones.

    They are wireless. They do have some fuzz when there's no sound coming through but when there is sound they are amazing. I would never play an FPS game without them. I've had them for almost 6 years and only just now had to replace the rechargeable battery pack. If you want a mic along with them just pick up any logitech table mic from walmart or somewhere for 10 bucks. They work great and you never have to worry about dropping them in the toilet.
  5. Neberius

    Neberius Member

    Well, I mostly game on my laptop which has a built-in mic, but it picks up pretty much everything. I'm looking for a headset with a microphone of its own, like Tritons, Turtle Beaches, or RAZER headsets. Although, I will definitely keep those headphones in mind, sounds like they'd be amazing for music and movies with great portability. :p
  6. Tritons are worthless. I had 2 of their most expensive models and both were some of the worst sounding headsets I have ever heard.

    On your budget, I would try and stretch it to these:

    Those use the best virtual surround technology there is, and is a pretty good quality headset too. Im kinda partial to Sennheiser's. They last a long time, sound good, and are relatively cheap compared to the competition. Im using a pair of these right now:http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-PC...e=UTF8&qid=1349139495&sr=1-3&keywords=PC+333D
    I got them back when the headset used to cost $250, and it was worth it then too. If I was in the market for a high end gaming headset now, it would be the PC-360.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2012
  7. Neberius

    Neberius Member

    Actually, I tried a pair of Tritons that my friend got at GameStop for about $120, and I couldn't really notice what you're talking about, but I also haven't tried a wide variety of headsets either. Now, I would gladly purchase this headset, but the problem with my budget is that it's a pre-paid, non-reloadable gift card. The product and shipping can't exceed $100.
  8. Trainwreck

    Trainwreck Guest

  9. Logitech G35 = Logitech G930 only wires instead of wireless. here is what one of our admin's had to say about them:

  10. Trainwreck

    Trainwreck Guest

    Yes, I will agree the drivers are crap..

    When I shop for headphones I mainly go for something comfortable.
    I don't have big ears, but I also don't have small ears, its hard for me to find headphones that will fit over my ears for a prolonged amount of hours and still be comfortable. These are very comfortable IMO.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2012
  11. Neberius

    Neberius Member

    Assuming I can't find a way to stretch my budget at all, I think I'll be going with the Logitech G35.

    HOWEVER, I may be able to stretch my budget after all, which would mean I have a new range of choices. One problem is that I'm a bit of a RAZER fanboy.

    This leads me to a conflict between: RAZER Megalodon and the Sennheiser PC-333.
  12. Sennheiser is a professional grade audio company who is well known across the world for quality audio.
    Razer is a consumer company, and a new one at that, who is just known in the gaming community.

    If all you want this for is great gaming sound, go with the Razer. It is 7.1 and designed for games. If you want great all around quality, longer lasting headset, good gaming immersion, and good movie surround sound then go with the Sennheiser's.
  13. Sennheiser is definitely a great company. I don't think I'll ever buy another pair of headphones that aren't Sennheiser.
  14. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    Enigma and sokar are right. The sennheiser's are great. If memory serves from researching this before, The drivers used in these are found in a few of their mid grade headphones and thats a good thing. They simply blow the doors off of most any competition in their price range. I am one of the profesional audio guys enigma speaks about. I would endorse the recommendation for sennheiser as a brand any day.

    These 323d's would be a substancial upgrade from your old turtle. If treated correctly, they will last forever, and the USB soundcard it comes with will likely be significant upgrade to your onboard sound.
    That being said, I also have used the razors. They were quite acceptable for gaming. If it makes you happy to have matching gear, then go for it. I'm sure you will still be satisfied.
  15. So which headset did you end up with?