Happy 4th of July!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Once again Xen of Onslaught wishes you guys a happy 4th of July. Try not to blow off any arms. :cool:
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  2. Don't you mean Independence Day?

    In celebration of this holiday of freedom, fireworks and fine hooch, here is former president Reagan riding a raptor. (x-post from our funny pics thread)

  3. Kythas

    Kythas Veteran

    Keeping the theme going. Happy Independence Day, now kick some alien ass!

  4. [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2012
  5. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    Happy Independence day to all you americans ;) hope you all have a great day....try not to blow any bodyparts off with the fireworks :p
  6. I normally light fireworks off with my Penis... I wear condoms though so I'm always safe. BTW Canada doesn't have an independance day :(

    Note: I really like the Independance day XoO logo it's really cool! Can you make a PRIDE one too?
  7. We have an independence day, we just don't celebrate it so heavily.

    USA and Brit have both come a long way since they divided, and made some pretty amazing progress in their own right. The sheer scope of infrastructure spread in America is awe inspiring on a logistics front, and probably the greatest accomplishment to date.
  8. It was Canada Day a few days ago so I was just throwing in a cheeky slowpoke reference.
  9. Dullard

    Dullard Veteran FPS Member

    Happy 4th everyone!

  10. Happy Birthday America!!! time to go party and get a sunburn whoop!!!
  11. try not to blow your ass off ;)
  12. I just ran a 10k for the 4th.

  13. dusanyu

    dusanyu Veteran

    Consumer Fireworks are banned in my city this year because of dry vegetation due to drought the potential for fire is high.

    this 4th i am staying inside and playing video games it's 104 degrees out there.
  14. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    Oh you. ;)
  15. Pride xoo logo!!?

    Do it now!!