Half Blood Prince

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Kyoji, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. Harry Potter is WEAK!!!
  2. it was a good series to read, the movies are pretty good too, the movie wasnt that great though. Then again, either was the book in terms of "action". More of storytelling and filling in the missing gaps of all the other books.

    The last one is absolutely amazing, I cannot wait.
  3. hopefully in the next one he will
    not get so fucking owned by lackeys, not be useless, and finally learn some fucking win spells so he can compete
  4. yes kyoji agree, the movie was ok overall - the one before this one was good all around though =D
  5. Applicable

    Applicable Apprentice Spammer

    I thought the movie was alright. The only problem I felt that there was no real storyline behind it, and it seems the last half hour was stuck on to explain whats going on.

    Also I hated the way, they didnt actually introduce the new chars in HBP. If I hadnt read the book, I wouldnt know who the hell Fenric was and what the other deatheaters were upto.
  6. Wow that is a good point, I never noticed that too - apparently since I did read the books I never really pointed that out when I was watching, +1~
  7. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    Surprised that this wasn't as good.. Its preview makes it look good all dark and dreary.. Oh well I must wait for it to come out to rent.
  8. Arkose

    Arkose Guest

    The books from 4-7 are my favorite with the Blood Prince being one of my favorites. Now that I got the geek stuff over with.

    The movie is ok. Had about zero fights, and didn't explain much of the things in the background. Something i notice was at the start of the movie and the "bad" side causes the gate to crash there was no one left on the bridge. Later it said x amount of people died. Why not show people falling? I also hated the little fight in the corn. What purpose did it have? Also does not really tell you about the wolf guy much.

    I probably wouldn't see it agian.
  9. prio

    prio Guest

    For not being overly excited about its release I thought it was enjoyable.
  10. Ryu

    Ryu Guest

    i thought the whole movie wasn't exiting at all, should watch public enemies T_T
  11. t0aster

    t0aster Guest

    Movie was definately not as good as others.. but it wasn't a piece of shit either.. My only problem with this since there is only one more book to cover.. How in the hell after 6 books is Harry Potter still a freaking pussy and can't do any dmg? In the last one does he just become a god and knows everything?
  12. he continues to stumble through with luck mostly... but he did have a strong mastery of the patronus early on, though it does seem like thats the only spell he ever did well
  13. all the books are really good reads but i just never really enjoyed watching the movies it takes away all imagination i like to let my mind make up what i think the characters should look like or what i imagine the great hall would look like most times my mental pictures are way better than what any movie could come up with.... i guess i m just trying to say read the books way better and much better for you eyes...
  14. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    I always found him being a "crappy" wizard one of the frustrating things about the whole series. He's just a big one trick pony. I thought this film was enjoyable just like all the rest. It has been a very long time since I read the books and have basically forgotten what happened in all of them. Hell, I couldn't even remember the ending of the last movie when I sat down to watch this one. While not a fast paced movie I enjoyed it. I was surprised at how dark it was but the last 2 books were pretty heavy stuff and with _____ biting the big one it is notsurprising.
  15. Serilla

    Serilla Banned

    I didn't care for the fact that they took out the last fight scene and added the one at the burrow, cause really there was no point to that and it wasn't in the book.
    It actually seemed too fast paced but in a slow way that was bad. But I did enjoy the movie overall I suppose.

    Anyone have qualms about how they are splitting up book 7 into 2 movies? I am not thinking I will like that, but at the same time it is a long book and hopefully they can do some justice to it splitting it.