Hakai's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Hakai, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Hakai

    Hakai Guest

    TERA Online Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I have heard nothing but good things from Kurushii and the community looks very professional and well structured from appearance. As well as being capable of playing with like minded individuals in a proper atmosphere.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    World of Warcraft:
    Release: I played release WoW from the second day it came out till when AQ was on PTS. In that time frame I mostly played two rogues. An Alliance Nigh Elf Rogue which I raided all known content at the time on Shatterdhand in the #3 guild(WarEnsemble) on server competing with "Death and taxes" and "Drama" which were world rank top 10 guild at the time. An a Troll rogue which I helped a friend hit High Warlord with when I was not raiding. In which entitled me to leading premade teams into Warsong Gultch to complete as quickly as possible and efficiently.

    Burning Crusade: When BC was about to be released I realized I really had nothing better to do than waste my time on a MMO. So on midnight release I had my copy of BC and created a Blood Elf Hunter. I chose Blood Elf mainly because of wanting to try something different, and hunter because it was the archetype class I have always enjoyed in previous games. With this character I raided from Karazhan through Illidan being the top horde legion(Cold Fusion) on our server Hellscream. In season three arena I was in a top 3 2s(hunter/druid) and 3s(warlock/hunter/druid) with a top 10 5s(warrior/hunter/warlock/priest/druid) team in Rampage Battleground. Once Sunwell Plateau was released I raided hardcore but lost interest in the game and left right after our Brutallas Kill which was top 100 world at the time. A few months later I decided to come back to get ready for Wrath of the Lich King and remade my hunter into a Orc because of my love of squeezing as much as I can from my character on Spinebreaker. Note; at that time there was no race transfers. So I wanted the best racials to play with for pvp and pve when the next expansion came out. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m151/pookiebeah15/Goodbyetessen12-29-09.png Blood Elf hunter prior to a faction change I did some time ago with best in slot armor prior to SWP except Cursed Vision of Sargeras(fuck you Illidan).

    Wrath of the Lich King: Raided Naxxaramus. Was US top 10 on 10man Ulduar clear. Killed Yogg-saron the Sunday after release(due to our paly ><). Then quit WoW because of guild fall out the week after. http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m151/pookiebeah15/guild4-16-09vault1dpssurv.jpg Only real screenshot I still have messing around on my hunter.

    Played Chinese Retail with a level 41 Spiritmaster and level 38 Gladitor. Went on to play release but lost interest at level 49 on my Spiritmaster due to content. Ended up returning to the game to mess around with friends on the public test server. Went on to become an officer of the #1 legion, MILFS, on the PTS server on Elyos side. Hakai lvl 50 Spiritmaster shown here with my full Miragent set http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m151/pookiebeah15/Aion0080.jpg .

    Other Games: Games I have also tried my hand at threw out the years. SWG, L2, CoH, CoV, War, and CS(1.5/1.6).
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I am a hard working individual that knows how to work in a team setting and progress to be number one in anything that I do.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    In Game:

    I have experience leading high end game pve and pvp raids. As well as known as a great follower and will put my all into my assigned roll and do what I can do help others with theirs. I am the guy that will spend days on end researching and testing something to increase my game by 1%. I don't sit around have have people hand me anything. I go out and do it for myself and become the first to analyze and comprehend.

    Out of Game:

    I am currently in school to become a Registered Dietitian. I have decent knowledge when it comes to a lot of different sort of diets and work out plans. I am very good at helping people start changing their lifestyles if they wish to. I do not oppose anything on anyone. I am just a resource that can be of use if you are willing to listen.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    My name is Anthony, and live in South Miami, FL. I am currently enrolled in Miami-Dade College were I am enrolled full time attending 4 classes a week. I am majoring in Dietetics which is basically my passion. I spend most of my time at home on my computer or working out in my home gym. So I am never too far away from a computer. Currently have a 4 year long relationship with my girlfriend. She lives with me and is a gamer as well due to my influence.

    I am easy to get a long with, friendly, dedicated, and always looking for a way to step up my game.
    Activity level?
    30+ hours weekdays, 20+ hours weekend
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
  2. Old School WoW player if you played with DnT when they were on SH. I'm going to have to steal you so you come play TOR.
  3. Jarien

    Jarien Veteran Crowfall Member

    Looks good accepted. I will PM you the TS info and set up a interview.
  4. Hakai

    Hakai Guest

    Yeah, those days were awesome. On the first world kill of Nef's loot you can see my char(Hemolysis) saying grats to I think drama it was that beat out DnT for that kill.
  5. I'm sure you've heard of Overrated. I'm sure we have some good stories to share. I'll hop into your interview when you get on TS.
  6. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Your supposed to interview them before they are accepted. :p