Hachi's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Hachi, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. Hachi

    Hachi Guest

    TERA Online Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I stumbled upon your post on the tera forums and was glad to see a guild with so much past experience in MMOs. The website seems incredibly well organized, and I like the fact that all requirements seem to point towards striving to be an elite guild when the game releases.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Lineage 2 - played a variety of characters, mainly a gladiator and a sword dancer, for about 2 years during high school.

    WoW - played a lvl 80 resto druid and a lvl 80 shadow priest/holy priest. Have a lot of healing experience from WoW which is why I will be using a priest as my main in Tera.

    Aion - played a cleric and a ranger, got to the mid 40s, enjoyed all the PvP. Planning to use an archer as an alt in Tera after getting my priest to high enough levels to consistently be useful in raids.

    Played a variety of free MMOs: Last Chaos, Shaiya, Perfect World, Vindictus

    Play Starcraft II a lot currently until Tera comes out.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I think I will be a good fit because I spend my in-game time very efficiently. I've played a lot of heavy grinding games, as well as quest based games, so I'm well rounded in that aspect. I spend a lot of time analyzing my game play as well as things I can do to get better. I think I'm well mannered and have a good sense of humor to contribute to Teamspeak as well.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I'm usually pretty good at working the economy in games as well as working up crafting skills. As a healer, I can usually get a lot of money stockpiled since most healers have a mana regen skill and heals, so running raids has little cost. I was pretty good at being an organizer in raids in WoW, and I would expect I could do the same in Tera.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I will be graduating from Brandeis University in the spring, and will hopefully find a job in accounting or finance for after graduation. I've been an avid gamer for ten years, and I don't plan on stopping upon entering the working world.
    Activity level?
    def. at least 35, more depending on amount of hours required for hiring job
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
  2. good app

    Few questions though as

    1.We are technically closed for NA recruitment.

    However, though if you roll with us in the Korean Open Beta then I can let you in, thats if you survive the pre-req such as interview and stuff as well.

    Getting into the KOBT would require you to spend some real life money though

    Let me see whatcha think first.
  3. Hachi

    Hachi Guest

    When does the KOBT start if it hasn't already? How much money would it cost? I'm fine with having an interview after I finish up my exams in a few days.
  4. KOBT starts probably the end of this week if not next week, it would only set you back a rough $15.

    There is going to be an announcement regarding KOBT and the launch schedule sometime during this week.

    UPDATE: beta starts January 11th so finals would not be in your way when it starts back up.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  5. Hachi

    Hachi Guest

    $15 for open beta access sounds like a steal to me. Count me in. Let me know what I need to do in terms of interviews or other pre-reqs. The only issue I see is that my gaming rig is staying at school (in Boston, I live in NJ), and I'm not returning until Jan. 18th. My laptop is borderline in terms of the system reqs, but I'll give it a shot for the first week of OB. Let me know what times work for you for an interview.
  6. jump on now here ill send you the ts info
  7. Hachi

    Hachi Guest

    Mind if I hop on at about 9 EST? Currently cranking out practice problems for a final I have away from my desktop.
  8. go ahead bro ill be on
  9. Hachi

    Hachi Guest

    Ok awesome. Looking forward to it.
  10. ACCEPTED. Probation ends after 30 days. Post around and get to know everyone.

    Make sure you check out the New Recruits Guide for TERA and do what it says. The game will be a while till release so stay active on the forums.