Guild Wars 2

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Burzak, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Burzak

    Burzak Veteran

    Do we still have some people playing GW2, and enjoying the aspect of WvW?
  2. I'm on Storumbluff Isles and I log on occasionally
  3. *cast resurrection*

    Anyone playing anymore? I still have the XoO guild listed on my guilds but I am not even sure who has leadership of it anymore. There is rumors of a possible expansion upcoming with a PaX South announcement as well which might interest some people. I play it right now with my S/O; currently working through S2 story and finishing up map completion on my guardian.


    or send me a mail in-game and we can hang out to do some sPvP or other stuff.
  4. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member

    I have been keeping it up to date and login very rarely, but willing to hop in and see what (if anything) is new.
  5. FinalD

    FinalD Veteran

    I still log in every once in a while, but none of my guilds have any active members.
  6. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    I'm still fairly active but haven't repped XoO in a long time since things dried up around here. I don't know whether the expansion will change that - there's not a whole lot of a base to start from anymore - but still. Maybe I'll check these forums a bit more for a while :)
  7. Burzak

    Burzak Veteran

    Hmm, anyone willing to get into one server. ( I would prefer Ruins of Surmia on Eu, i was there from the start and lovely community they have.) And reactivate XoO in it? I want to focus mostly on Pvp/WvW, and guild missions. But i can't make it alone. : )
  8. Azraeli

    Azraeli Veteran Crowfall Member

    GO TO FA!!! I need some good WvW players to play with or PvP not picky. Not sure how you guys feel about it the server...

    I guess no one saw this but hit me up, Azazu.1835.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
  9. Liquid

    Liquid Guest


    Unbelievable/Liquid here. Was once leader of Guild Wars division. Anyone from old Guild Wars division playing?
  10. Trice

    Trice Veteran Crowfall Member


    Talk about a blast from the past .. like circa 2006/7 past lol

    Yah, I'm still toying around with GW2 a couple times a week.
  11. Endless

    Endless Veteran

    I log in and play pretty much every day. I haven't played with XoO in a long ass time though, but i do see in the XoO guild list there's a fair few people still playing. If there's little chance of the XoO GW2 guild starting back up, if anyone is in a guild that is active and recruiting i'd surely love to be a part of an active guild again Endless.5960 :)