GTX 980Ti reviews

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by EniGmA1987, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. snagglefox

    snagglefox Snagglefox [Sehkk] Final Fantasy Member

    Not sure if I want to sell my 980s and get two of these or wait for the next series of cards...
  2. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Another kick in the nuts by nvidia to all those who bought Titan cards.
    Id wait and see new AMD 390 Fiji before making an upgrade tho
  3. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Same, time to wait for me, when we'll have custom 980 TI and custom 390x with both benchmarks, it'll be time to decide :), few months down the road.
  4. Im planning on waiting till the next gen cards come out to upgrade. My 980's are doing fine and can run most things at 60fps on my 4K display. I cant go higher than 60Hz for at least another couple years so Im good for now.
  5. Meh return my Titan X to work get this have 350 laying around ... sell my store money to a friend at work ... profit
  6. Or, since you already have 50% of the amount needed for a second one, you take back Titan X and get two 980Ti's! Thats the best way Erock, you know you wanna :p
  7. fuck SLI ... I want exhaust / coilovers anyways now :)
  8. Xeno

    Xeno Veteran Crowfall Member

    +1 for exhaust/coilovers
  9. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    The radeon won't be the 390X it'll be the Fury and Fury X it seems, 390X will have hawaii.

    I'm still on the fence, sure the 780 GHZ don't run everything at 48/96 on 1440p but, unless the Fury blows perfs out of the window, i might as well wait for Pascal which is supposed to slaughter the current gen with extreme prejudice.
  10. Im still not expecting much from AMD's new card, it is an end of arch generation for AMD and those never turn out well compared to the competition. Next year Nvidia might have to look out though.

    What tires did you end up with?
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015