
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Rawyt, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Rawyt

    Rawyt Guest

    Hi All ,
    Just popping by to say hey there ..
    I've been a friend of Kaybek for some time now ..
    We have run thru EQ & Wow together and he got me hooked on
    Warhammer already .. been running through the betas testing out
    the classes & so far it is a blast ..

    Rawyt is ( several times now ) a shaman * shrug * not that there is a lack of them , but it is a great class ... SO if ya bump into me in game a slap uside the head is all good ..

    see yall online ...

    Rawyt / Falonien
  2. KayOrzz

    KayOrzz Veteran

    Hi, hope ou'll like your stay here