Grand Chase

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by ValkenHeart, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. ValkenHeart

    ValkenHeart The Seeker Of Truth

    So who here plays this game I've been playing this game since the beta came out and am trying to find more people to play with I also just started up a guild for Xen of Onslaught for the game so I'm just wondering who is playing and who wants to group up send a reply and if you wanna take a look and try the game out check out this link and sign and try it if you have any questions or wanna play with me send me a message.
  2. I used to play back when there was only 3 character(grand archer yo). Hmmm, there is tons of characters out now, kinda tempting to play again.

    Edit: Wait a second. I am getting confused. I played Grand Chase for a period of time but haven't played in years, more recently I was playing Elsword.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2013
  3. ValkenHeart

    ValkenHeart The Seeker Of Truth

    Iv'e been playing since the beta still love the game if you are looking to play again I'd be more then willing to help you out and level with you and, yea there is a lot more characters now I still don't have them all unlocked yet just trying to work on my assassin right now trying to max him out if you see me on team speak also drop by and, we can talk on there I'm usually on the League of Legends channel.