League of Legends Grael's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Grael, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Grael

    Grael Guest

    Planetside 2 Application
    How old are you?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone?
    Are you currently in the Planetside 2 beta?
    In-Game Name?
    What is your favorite class to play?
    Combat Medic
    What is your favorite vehicle to use?
    Why did you choose XoO?
    I have been in the xoo squad a few times in the beta. It has been by far the better moments thus far. All strategy and good solid teamwork.
    Please list some of your FPS history:
    Counterstrike for 7 years, played professionaly and competitively. BF2 & 3 and CoD very sparingly. Mainly on 360 with just some local freinds.
    What do you feel you can contribute to the Outfit?
    Great team player, do whats told. I have common sense and adapt to what the situation calls for.
    North America
    A little bit about yourself?
    I am currently married with no kids. Wife understands my gaming needs. Even more so then other needs haha! Best times of my life were with my Counterstrike team playing across all over the US in tournaments.
    Activity level?
    20+ I normally play in bunches at a time. Meaning I might not be in a day. Play little the next day. But following day be on for 8+ hours.
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    How did you hear about XoO?
    Squad leaders in Planetside 2 Beta.
    Do you have a referral?
  2. Grael

    Grael Guest

    My current name is Alordrence on East since I did not delete my West Main Grael.

  3. Lailana

    Lailana Veteran Crowfall Member

    Hello and thank you for your application, one of our officers will be in contact as soon as they are able.
  4. Fear The Amish

    Fear The Amish Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Hey sorry for the Delay i have sent you TS3 info go ahead and login then jump down to the PS2 channel. Just let either Fear The Amish, Dullard, Pheonix Dog, Miir, Imb0r3d, or Que you need an interview and we will work from there. You are more then welcome to play with the Outfit in TS3 until that point and we would love to have you we will see you ingame!
  5. Grael

    Grael Guest

    I played brielfy once with you all the other day, please dont decline me. I am still very interested. Life a little crazy currently. Thank you.
  6. Fear The Amish

    Fear The Amish Veteran Star Citizen Member

    you are fine bud saw you rolling with us just drop into TS3 we all understand how life can get in the way of a game.
  7. Dullard

    Dullard Veteran FPS Member

    Denied due to inactivity. If you wish to have your application reconsidered, let an Officer know and we'll start the process back up where we left off.
  8. Grael

    Grael Guest

    reinstate please

    Would like to be re-instated. Was waiting for game to release and didnt want to spoil myself too much with the beta. Thank you.
  9. Dullard

    Dullard Veteran FPS Member


    Join us on TS and well get you back into the swing of things. Channels are locked at the moment, so look for an officer to drag you where you need to be.
  10. Dullard

    Dullard Veteran FPS Member

    Denied due to inactivity. If you wish to have your application reconsidered, let an Officer know and we'll start the process back up where we left off.