Goliath's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Goliath, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Goliath

    Goliath Guest

    Age (18+ Requirement): 18
    Name (Forum & IGN): Goliath
    Class: Gladiator
    Do you have vent and a mic?: yes
    Previous gaming experience: 3 years of Guild Wars
    Why did you chose XoO: I wish to join a large, professional Legion that is enjoyable as well as helpful.
    Do you have a referal?: no
    A little bit about yourself: I live in southern California, USA, and enjoy computer programming, cycling, and web design. Oh, and MMORPGs.
    Activity Level? (hrs/week): 9-18 hours/week
    Apply to usergroup: I will as soon as I post this...
  2. Hello there, thank you for showing an interest in XoO. We are currently looking for skilled and active gladiators so you came to the right place. However, we are currently nearing the 90 cap and are only recruiting people who can make, on average, 20hrs/week playtime. If you think you can work that then I see no reason why you cannot join.

    Your guild wars experience does seem nice. What guild were you in while in Guild Wars if I may ask?

    Also, you will need to apply to the usergroup

    After you apply please go to User CP --> Usergroups --> and join New XoO Member (probation) group.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  3. Goliath

    Goliath Guest

    I whole-heartedly believe that I can manage 20 hours a week, if nessessary. For Guild Wars, I am in Legends of Fiach Dubh, in the Legends Alliance. It has nearly 350 members and more info can be found here: http://thelegendsalliance.net/
  4. Looked over the website and it looked interesting. Seems your guild is the lead guild for that particular alliance. If you are able to attend 20 hrs/wk on average then I see no reason to decline your application. Welcome to the guild, glad to have you.

    Also, remember to check this thread.

  5. Hello and Welcome
  6. Serilla

    Serilla Banned

    welcome welcome!!! :)
  7. Zyxth

    Zyxth Veteran

    Yeah for more west coasters! Boo for more socal'ers! Shouldn't we impose a limit on how many freaks from CA we let in the guild?!?

    I KID I KID!


  8. Nightslave

    Nightslave Veteran

    wtb more east coast :(
  9. DENIED, due to inactivity.