Going Pro

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Gankfest, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. I rode my BMX bike(Justin Inman 20011 Signature) from Fort Collins CO to Greeley(UNC) CO. Which is 33.1mi! :punch:
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  2. question is..........how many pit stops did you take during that 33 mile ride lol
  3. None, I rode all the way there in about 2.5hrs! ;P
  4. what kind of bike? hopefully it wasn't as painful as it sounds.
  5. BMX cruiser? cause a bmx bike is a bit small to be able to ride that far in 2.5 hours. Was it that sprocket marathon? I don't remember where it usually starts but I do remember it ends in ft. colins.

    Either way. Nice job.
  6. man, i seriously need to start reading the OP before asking questions its fricken stated in the first 4 words lol

    but not going to lie thats beast for a fucking BMX bike jeeze
  7. Lol, ya that bike is sick! In May, probably May 15th going to ride it from Fort Collins to Denver which is 78.1 mi. I've rode it 58mi before so what's another 20mi. :)

    P.S. It's this bike here for anyone that doesn't know
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  8. From when I was in elementary all the way through High School, I rode my Mach 1 every where. I would ride it 12+ miles, because I was bored. It kept me in shape, while I was doing something fun.

  9. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I have fond memories of my BMX too.
  10. thats really small seat for that far..I ran 27 m every sunday.
    I cant imagine being on that seat even that far.
    Keep it up..exercise is good. watch for the cars!!!
  11. That's as old as my Dyno Nitro, I had way back in the day!

    On a BMX bike, I just stand most of the time. The only time I sit down is when I'm going down a hill, but it's not like a Road or Mountain bike; where you can just sit and pedal like a pussy the entire time. :bashful: It's cool tho, I just stretch my legs when I'm not pedaling, which is nice! :happy:
  12. You have more testicular fortitude than I. Good job :)
  13. Man that's an expensive bmx bike.

    I just made mine from parts the most we've spent on a bike that was premade was about 400 for a street stunt bike but I guess parts and shit might have ended up that much back in the day on my racing bikes.

    WTF friendly no 3 piece crank?
  14. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    We used to do some BMX back in the day. There were always good spots around my neighborhood to build dirt jumps. I had a sick ass Redline but it got jacked, and I had something I don't remember after that but it got jacked too haha. Oh well, skateboarding was always my primary anyway.
  15. I skateboarded when I was a kid, the last board I had was a Vision Jynx Freddy Krueger board from way back in the day.
  16. Just added up how many miles I rode this week, it came out around 120mi this week. :)
  17. Thanks not my bike exactly. I had the hard seat and the seat and parts were in a "normal" position. But yea, I rode it so much that I wore grooves in the crank.
  18. SO I would imagine your physique to be basically a giant pair of legs with a torso. Did I get it right?
  19. Lol, I know if I snap kick someone in the sciatic nerve, it's really painful. :punch: I workout at the gym too, so not like you see my legs and then I disappear as I go up.
  20. i still have my original diamondback venom.....back then they were expensive bikes due to inflation i wouldn't doubt it if they actually cost easily $500+ in todays market.

    Man that sucker was light and amazing for jumps due to its durability and weight was before all these new makers came out.