
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Frozen Ferocity, May 15, 2014.

  1. Frozen Ferocity

    Frozen Ferocity good design is transparent

    Seeing midnight release tonight hellllll yuh
  2. nice, be sure to let us know if it was worth it.
  3. Frozen Ferocity

    Frozen Ferocity good design is transparent

    Drop what you're doing Friday night, and go see Godzilla.

    I'm a pretty harsh movie critic but damn that was a good movie.
  4. Total_Overkill

    Total_Overkill Veteran Crowfall Member

    i shall be sure to pirate it tomorrow!
  5. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    You are joking i hope :)
  6. Total_Overkill

    Total_Overkill Veteran Crowfall Member

    Not in the least...
  7. Total_Overkill

    Total_Overkill Veteran Crowfall Member

    Watched it... absolutely terrible movie... not Bayformers terrible, but close.
  8. Frozen Ferocity

    Frozen Ferocity good design is transparent

  9. Total_Overkill

    Total_Overkill Veteran Crowfall Member

    Glad you enjoyed a godzilla origin story that followed around a US soldier and his nutter dad for 60 minutes before you see a monster egg >.> and all those offscreen monster fights.
    I think i prefer the derpy rubber and foam suits knocking each other over cardboard cities compared to 5 minutes of frontal CG...
    Final Wars was a complete derpfest, but you got to see monster fights constantly... the entire reason people watch these movies.
  10. Frozen Ferocity

    Frozen Ferocity good design is transparent

    It was like a not so well done jaws.

    Build suspense until you get to see the last 45mins of Godzilla.

    And I watched it in IMAX 3D, not a ripped boot leg ;) it was a movie more for the cg and monster fights. Godzilla has never had a good story. And now the first movie had set up for an even better sequel because we don't need story setup to lead to godzilla.

    Pacific rim is a bad movie, but it has awesome monster fights. Godzilla is a fairly good movie, we have an orgin story that sets up the god fairly nice with half decent characters and leads to a very nice suspenseful build up.
  11. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Too much G.I. Joe dude and his bimbo and not enough Godzilla.
  12. GOJIRA!
  13. Reth

    Reth Veteran

    One time I saw a ghost...
  14. DeadDuck

    DeadDuck Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Sounds like a lot of the complaining is coming from people who didn't necessarily like or watch the original Godzilla's. Most of them go on for quite a bit without Godzilla really showing up. Most are focused around some group of people being stupider then the Monsters and making the situation worse until Godzilla shows up and roasts the bad guys and goes home for a bath. I completely agree watching gi-joe was annoying but overall I thought it was a pretty damn awesome Godzilla movie. Far better than the one which shall not be named.
  15. Total_Overkill

    Total_Overkill Veteran Crowfall Member

    There's like 30 godzilla movies... only 2 hold to the formula this one abides by. Guess which ones i dont like ^_^