Giygas 80 Enhancement Shaman

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Giygas, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. Giygas

    Giygas Guest

    1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec:
    Giygas, Shaman, Enhancement

    2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained):

    3. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions):

    4. List your current professions and describe how they help when raiding:
    Leatherworking: Wrist enchant Skinning: Crit buff

    5. Time playing WoW and PvE progression:
    I have played WoW since vanilla originally play a healing priest until Twin Emps, during BC I played my warlock through muru in sunwell, and I currently have experience 11/12 in ICC.

    6. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class:
    I am an avid reader of elitist jerks and also an avid user of enhsim

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc):

    8. Guild you are leaving and why (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed):
    WAR- Lack of 25 progression

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild:

    10. List consumables you bring to raid:
    Flaks of endless rage, health potions, haste potions and a couple different types of buff food depending on raid makeup

    11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans):
    No, I would love to be a apart of a steady 10 man group

    12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: I do not have one right now but will update my post as soon as I kill something of value (might have to wait until lockout reset). My top three damage are melee, windury and lightning bolt as they should be.

    13. Provide a UI screenshot:

    I usually get some question about my ui.. I've used default since vanilla and I really don't like to use anything else.

    14. Final comments you feel could help your application:
    I am a knowledgeable, experienced and prepared raider.
  2. Ologhai

    Ologhai WoW Sargeras CO

    He came to one of our 25 man 25 ICC pugs one week. The only impression he made on me was being extremely sub-par on the meters despite his gear. Maybe that has changed.
  3. 1st Spec is BAD! who did you copy it from Roch? only reasion i can even see the ghost wolf making any scenes.
    2nd: 39 exp rating... really?
    3rd: your not the best profs for enhance JC/Eng are the best DPS profs.
    4th: Are you using default for everything besides Shock and awe?
    6th: 39 exp rating/no blood furry on the screen for active use. and yes i understand its all you can get for low tier bosses... but a 245 non exp item in its place would net higher dps due to that dmg stat your missing.
  4. Giygas

    Giygas Guest

    I guess I'll answer this in order

    1. There are two specs used for enhancement shaman, 19/52/0 and 15/55/0. Ghost wolf makes sense for one encounter in icecrown, Sindragosa, which is what I have been focusing on. 19/52/0 picking up improved fire nova would be the "normal" spec I would raid as.

    2. You'll notice my three pieces of gear with exp are ikfirius, cloak and my tier 9.5 gloves. Once I upgrade to tier 10 gloves (this week) it will put be at exactly 27 exp for anything other then fist/axes. Ikfirius also allows me to have one piece of gear for my expertise needs instead of multiples+gems, something I'm sure you could appreciate seeing the amount of expertise gems in your gear. 4 piece set bonus will be roughly a 300 dps increase.

    3. I realize this

    4. I have DBM, omen, decursive, grid and recount running during raids.

    5. It's funny you noticed blood fury was missing, but didn't notice shamanistic rage was missing as well... The macro you see bound to my "3" key casts both of those at the same time.

    6. Explained in question number 2

    As far as what Ologhai said I can say I haven't raided in a xen 25 icc pug for a least a month. There is another enhancement shaman with a similar name to mine, it's possible I'm getting confused?

    I appreciate the thoroughness.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2010
  5. umaro

    umaro Guest

    i wish ihad ur gear ><
  6. 1st: If you were duelspeced into a pvp spec then I would understand not being two enhance specs. Your ele spec doesn't have warding for the DR so i know its not a pvp spec. Giving your full on every encounter is more important then just one encounter Xoo has already downed.

    2nd: Like i said before about the EXP, Were geming for it in the BiS gear set anyways so replacing the gem by a stage by stage biases doesn't make you have to regem everything like you would need to do if you lost your chest, Big a jc i only need 4/5 gems to get to cap and not wear a piece of EXP gear for an increase in dps and it opens up alot more by trading in for higher stats. If i dropped all my exp gems and picked up the chest you have it would be a net lose in dps because I would be dropping 80 haste, AP from the int and some crit with opening up slots to recover the haste and thats it still leading to a dps lose. basically saying gemming for exp and wearing my 258 chest nets me a dps increase.

    3rd: With your changing in gear you just about locked in two of your exp pieces unless you want to downgrade trinkets/gem hit, which right now until your hitting the crit cap gemming hit is not something you want to do.

    4th: one thing about binding bloodfury into rage is nice and all but the two CD's will become un-aligned because the timer for your rage is 1 minute meaning if you wait even 1 second your going to have to sit there and spam your macro for a few seconds just to have it come up well your doing it. personally i have my gloves macro'd together with my rage for the increase mana regain and the fact your doing more dps with the 2 set bonus then as well.

    5th: could you post me a log of your enhsim please and a screen shot of the output.
  7. Giygas

    Giygas Guest

    1. I understand your point and will normally use 19/52 spec. I realize Xen has already downed sindragosa, but my previous guild hadn't. I'm not shy about respeccing for one fight and then speccing back.

    2. I think we got our wires crossed here. I assure you my gear would dramatically changed around if I got a few different pieces. If I were to get a keleseth's seducer you would see a very large gear switch :). Just as rogues it's a constant swapping process.

    3. I understand this

    5. I recently upgraded to 64 bit windows 7 and I"m having some trouble getting enhsim to behave, so I'll post a RAWR log
    (consider I will have 4 piece set bonus which should give me an additional ~300 dps come Tuesday. I also believe there is a bug in rawr for reporting black bruise dps, it's normally right next to earthshock).

    Head Sanctified Frost Witch's Faceguard
    Neck Wodin's Lucky Necklace
    Shoulders Sanctified Frost Witch's Shoulderguards
    Chest Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder
    Waist Linked Scourge Vertebrae
    Legs Frost Witch's War-Kilt
    Feet Taldron's Long Neglected Boots
    Wrist Icecrown Rampart Bracers
    Hands Thrall's Grips of Triumph
    Finger1 Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance
    Finger2 Saurfang's Cold-Forged Band
    Trinket1 Whispering Fanged Skull
    Trinket2 Herkuml War Token
    Back Shawl of Nerubian Silk
    MainHand Black Bruise
    OffHand Cudgel of Furious Justice
    Ranged Bizuri's Totem of Shattered Ice
    Character: giygas@US-sargeras
    Race: Orc
    Health: 28112
    Mana: 16176
    Attack Power: 8304
    Agility: 1784
    Strength: 409
    Intellect: 804
    White Hit: 91.19%
    Yellow Hit: 100.00%
    Spell Hit: 100.00% (Over Cap)
    Melee Crit: 64.05%
    Spell Crit: 44.06%
    Spellpower: 3112
    Total Expertise: 39/34 (Over Cap)
    Haste Rating: 901
    Hit Rating: 400
    Armour Pen Rating: 115
    Avoided Attacks: 8.80%
    Avg MH Speed: 1.23
    Avg OH Speed: 1.23
    Armor Mitigation: 32.84%
    UR Uptime: 100.00%
    ED Uptime: 85.34%
    Flurry Uptime: 96.28%
    Avg Time to 5 Stack: 5.64 sec
    MH Enchant Uptime: 36.32%
    OH Enchant Uptime: 36.32%
    Trinket 1 Uptime: 30.43%
    Trinket 2 Uptime: 100.00%
    Fire Totem Uptime: 85.78%
    Tier 10 2 pc Uptime: 24.90%
    Tier 10 4 pc Uptime: 0.00%
    DPS Points: 8719.85
    Survivability Points: 562.24
    Overall Points: 9282.09
    White Damage: 3147.56
    Windfury Attack: 1056.56
    Flametongue Attack: 701.33
    Lightning Bolt: 1080.77
    Earth Shock: 365.51
    Flame Shock: 250.79
    Searing/Magma Totem: 575.03
    Stormstrike: 453.88
    Spirit Wolf: 340.80
    Fire Nova: 207.43
    Fire Elemental: 0.00
    Lightning Shield: 221.63
    Lava Lash: 318.57
    Total DPS: 8719.85
    Enhance Version:
    Status: Enhance Model : DPS Points 8719.85, Survivability Points 562.24, Overall Points 9282.09

    I must admit Peppershaker I wasn't expecting such a grilling... though I appreciate the thoroughness.

    I also realize the mistake of posting this without a combat log, still working on getting a meaningful parse.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2010
  8. please excuse posts not from an officer (from the list in the sticky topic) or pepper, our enhancement shaman expert.

    not to key in on the ghost wolf thing further, but what did you see as the benefit of it? why was it a needed when others don't have a run speed increase beyond a boot enchant or meta gem? was it your idea or the raid leaders'? if it was for "getting back there faster" or something, how does that influence your dps on sindragosa? (ie do you have numbers from that spec and also from a "normal" one?)
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2010
  9. Giygas

    Giygas Guest

    I never meant to imply it was needed, I assure you I can easily get out of the aoe without any problem at normal run speed. The value, similar to the theory surrounding cat's swiftness, is the more movement you do the more benefit additional run speed becomes. The movement required for sindragosa from getting away from the aoe blast to moving behind the ice blocks in phase three. Perhaps this is aggravated a bit by using a poor strat, we never did down the boss.

    The two specs sim'd at ~200 dps apart on a standard boss which led to me trying it out. I am more then happy to spec back to 19/52 because I'm sure you have no trouble dpsing sindragosa down.
  10. well, as i said, its not a focus to see if you would spec another way, but by asking detailed questions concerning your spec and methods of play as a means of looking at how you approach raiding. we will look into what's been provided here and let you know.
  11. Giygas

    Giygas Guest

    Here is a recount from Toravon for what it's worth, notice how many awesome buffs I have (sarcasm)

  12. Tendeuce

    Tendeuce Guest

    hey that's me at #1 :D
  13. I wouldn't be proud of that...
  14. Rael

    Rael Member

    This dude def. doesn't have 11/12 least on that toon
  15. Care to elaborate on your "experience 11/12 in ICC" because, even if you tried and didn't down the boss, you still couldn't have done 11/12 since you haven't done Dreamwalker in either 10 or 25 man on this toon.
  16. it's been a couple of weeks since he actively responded to the application process. reopenable should he decide to renew his interest.