Archeage Girlguitarist96's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Girlguitarist96, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. How old are you?:
    In-Game Name:
    Do you have TS3 and a working mic?:
    Where did you hear about us?:
    I came acroas Tugg at the plaza
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    League of legands, world of warcraft, runescspe,

    Been in a fair few archeage guilds. Most of which I have left due to mass amounts of 12 year olds, virgins who wouldn't leave me the hell alone, and a few other reasons.
    List Proficiencies & their Level:
    Low proficiency in everything but farming 10th and masonry 30k but I want to level up. Working on getting geared and getting money to invest in working on prof,
    Localization (NA/EU/Oceanic):
    What class/role will you take up in game?:
    I'm a daggerspell. I'll go wherever I'm needed
    What is your current highest level character?:
    Activity Level (in Hours):
    Have you joined the usergroup?:
  2. Aleez

    Aleez Veteran

    Thank you for your interest in XoO. Plz join the usergroup, and hop into TeamSpeak if you could to have your interview. PM Aleez on TS or in-game.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2015
  3. Aleez

    Aleez Veteran

    On Hold Till After New Years.
  4. TheVan

    TheVan Veteran FPS Member

    Denied, unable to comply with guild policies to our needs.