Ghost Recon Wildlands

Discussion in 'FPS Public Chat' started by Jes, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Jes

    Jes Veteran Crowfall Member

    Anyone else pick this up? add me on uplay "jesphersaid" lets team up!
  2. Ravnis

    Ravnis Veteran FPS Member

    I'm on the fence about it. I was in the Beta through an invite but I'm not sure it will have much longevity. I'll pick up up sometime maybe
  3. Jes

    Jes Veteran Crowfall Member

    @Ravnis i feel you, the whole game is solo'able with the use of squad AI. but can be fun at times with a real group to goof around. are you currently playing anything? glad to see you're back man! I helped launch the BDO division but fell out of the game when i had to move to another state and the place i was staying at had very slow internet and internet company wouldnt let me add a faster line cause the address was the same. So for like 4-5 months i only had 4g phone internet hahaha. I had to bring my computer to friends houses just to DL single player games LOL. But moved again 4 months ago to my own place and got internet and back into gaming, cant really put too much time into MMO's at the moment maybe in a month or 2 so i've been killing time on FPS and MOBAs for now.
  4. Ravnis

    Ravnis Veteran FPS Member

    @Jes Yeah I had the same problem if you recall. I had to check out of AA because I moved to an area with only Satellite internet and my phone was faster. lol

    I just bought a new house ,moved and got cable again about 2 months ago. In the process of upgrading my PC again to handle all the new games lol

    Been playing Rainbow Six: Seige and Battlefield 1 mostly. I also got For Honor but the server issues killed it for me too quickly. I'm hoping it will be fixed soonish.