G.I. Joe Review

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by OrangeMilk, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. OrangeMilk

    OrangeMilk Guest


    Do not ever see this movie, you will nut shot yourself for wasteing 2 hours of your life once it's over.

    Acting = bad
    Story line = bad
    Script = bad
    Special effects = decent
    Cleveage = Excellent

    I almost threw up from the stupidity that ensued in this movie.

    Please, I beg you , do not ever see this movie.

    COBRA is in a Hummer, the Hummer gets broadsided by a bus, the bus explodes, the Hummer drives on with out a scratch. Just like in Team America they destroy Paris, except in Team America the acting is better.

    Why is Ripcords name Ripcord? Because he was a Paratropper right?
    NOPE, not in this movie, in this movie hes a Infrantryman in the Army who wants to be a pilot, doesn't do any jumping out of planes. Also by the end of the movie he's suddenly the ONLY pilot in the entire world.
    Also they can shoot warheads out of the sky with snowmobiles.
    In the Comic books/cartoons Duke was a First Sgt., Not in this movie, he's a Capitain although whenever he is in dress uniform he is decorated as a Major.

    To sum up, it's bad, stupid awful puke bad.
  2. wow, tell me how you really feel?
  3. The movie was fun, though, the Paris chase scene was cool, and the other action scenes were at least well paced. What little story there was made sense within itself (unlike the totally insulting and idiotic Transformers 2), and the ending, an enormous tribute to the Return of the Jedi's Death Star batte ending, was a blast. If you have to see one lowbrow action movie and you are choosing between this and Transformers 2, there's no question this is the better movie.
  4. You say cleavage excellent and tell me not to go see this movie in the same review... im confused ;p
  5. Saverian

    Saverian Guest

    He's not into the whole cleavage showing... remember?
  6. OrangeMilk

    OrangeMilk Guest

    By all means watch the Cleveage high lights on youtube.

    Earley, don't forget that they used the Hoth Base set from Empire aswell.

    The storyline was bad, GI Joe is supposed to be the most elite force ever and then when shit happens the only people that can save the world are the two new recruits, seriously?

    And there were like 50 Joes before, yet in the movie they only name 7, and most of them aren't anything like what they were in the comics/cartoons. Brendan Fraiser as Sgt Stone? No there was a Lt. Stone in GI Joe in the past.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2009