FT03 Similar Cases?

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by Sogetsu, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Are you set on Micro ATX? Cause you could even do Mini ITX

    This one is similar but even smaller since it is an ITX:

    You could do this if you plan on having a very low power silent computer for HTPC use and set it on top of your other home theater equipment:

    If you want small but still able to use an upper-midrange graphics card and a powerful CPU:

    Same thing but if you want to use the top end CPU and top end GPU on the market in a small form factor:

    if you want to go just about as small as you can go and use a Llano processor with its integrated graphics for lower midrange gaming machine in a tiny form factor:

    and this case looks good, is pretty small, and very cheap:
    I use that one for all the work PCs in the office where I work right now.
  2. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    There is a lot to like about that case you posted, Sogetsu. I especially like the fan layout.
    The thing is, I'm not sure what alternative you are looking for. What's the build for? Do you need more, or less out of the case than the Silverstone has to offer? Do you want to go a different route in design? Do you want more storage? What about the Silverstone has you looking for alternatives? I'll throw a couple of things that came to mind up, and you can comment on what about the alternatives you like and dislike. Honestly though, I bet you stick with that ft03. I really like the widebody tower design it has.

    A completely different design direction. I like the eye-popping design, the traditional LianLi cooling overkill, and the pleasant red LED kit that lines the bottom of the case. Never seen it in person, but videos and reviews look pretty awesome. Its the first thing I thought of when you asked about an alternative microATX. (Incidently, this will likely be a project, soon. -if it ever comes back in stock.)

    A slim alternative. -and actually quite beautiful in person. Its piano gloss black and accented with silver mirror finish. Good if space is an issue and slim cards are not. This picture does not do it justice how shiny this case is in real life. I LOVE it.

    An option in between. Slightly smaller than that SIlverstone, and slightly cheaper. Slightly larger than the Antec listed above. Completely different internal config. Uses a standard power supply. And its quite good looking in person.
  3. Thanks so much you two!! I havent had a chance to check those out but will when I get home from work tonight!

    I love the FT03 but just looking for other options before spending $170 in a case.
  4. What are your reasons for wanting to go micro ATX instead of smaller? And why doesnt regular ATX work for you?
  5. I want something portable and small that doesn't take up a lot of space. I've seen powerful rigs built in very small cases and that interests me. Its more about the challenge of fitting all that power into 1 small compartment while still having good temperatures at idle and under load. I use to have a Full Size tower for my current rig, and moved it into a mid-sized tower and I love it (its a CM 690 II Adv.) but it takes up a lot of space on my desk.

    The FT03 has been used by other companies and folks (on forums I've checked, and here: http://www.digitalstormonline.com/comploadenix.asp?id=480229 - I don't buy from them or supporting them, just an example) and it looks like a blast to work in! Plus all the reviews state you can pack a whole lot of bang in that box while still maintaining temp's and cable management.

    I really love the FT03, I just wanted to see if anyone knew of similar case styles and layouts, as its really a "one of a kind" type of box I've run across.

    I'm doing it for the challenge, portability, and physical footprint.
  6. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    micro atx happens to be my favorite footprint for standard computers. Everything you need, nothing you dont.
  7. Upper end mini-ITX motherboards now have sata6 on them and USB3 on the back with 4-6 USB ports. So if you know you dont need more than a single 1TB drive and more than the included USB ports then it is a pretty good form factor. And with RAM so cheap and getting very high density, you can either go with 8GB of 16GB in the m-ITX form factor. If you want the smallest you can get but still good cooling and space for a nice graphics card then I put this one up for suggestion again:

    It does everything you need and is quite small (10.87" long x 6.93" high x 8.74" wide). IMO it would look really awesome having such a small case but still top end CPU and GPU in it that can smash through anything you throw at it. Case looks sexy too.

    THis motherboard is amazing:
    dual HDMI output, display port output, quad USB3, quad USB2, PCI-E 16x, good VRM design, ample CPU power capacity, a nice heatsink on the chipset and VRM, SATA6 and SATA3, built in wifi, dual gigabit LAN, and surround sound audio. Its like the be all-end all of modern day motherbaords not needing SLI.

    And another choice if you need a bit more backwards compatibility with older peripherals:

    If your set on micro-ATX then I like mwhays' suggestion of this:

    If your looking for part suggestions I would do these:

    or these:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
  8. I've heard great things of the Sugo and the Lian Li box but I wanted something that "stood out", heh. Sorry - I'm slightly picky :) I greatly appreciate the suggestions!
  9. Alkihaul

    Alkihaul Veteran

  10. I've looked at that case and their other chassis products and like them but I'm looking for something not so "case" like. I've got my temp hardware picked out in case Ivy Bridge takes a while to come out. Think I'll stick with the FT03 but keep my eyes open.

    Thanks all :)
  11. Alkihaul

    Alkihaul Veteran

    Pics when complete.
  12. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    Yeah I would say that conch shell case stands out just fine!

    I do like the FT03. Thats gonna be a hard one to beat, as it looks on paper. Im intersted to see how this build plays out, as well.

    Enigma, I certainly do like the mini-ITX boards. I think my problem is lack of experience with them. I'm sure that if I actually built some more computers with them, I'd love them for all the same reasons I love microATX - but more because its even smaller.

    The only actual experience I have with one is building a HTPC/server. Finding a case that would allow a drop in of the m-ITX was actually quite a task. A lot of the cases that are special for things like HTPC's are designed for exclusive use of MicroATX baords. As these more and more shift to m-ITX compatibility, I'll probably jump on the bandwagon, too.

    That being said, I did like the mini ITX build. It was very small and quite nice.
  13. Dont like the way the conch shell one looks, heh. :)
  14. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    understood. Its not the most practical.