Free WoW!

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Arimil, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Since doing all of the new Cata content essentially requires you to start back at level 1, not possible.
  2. Evilmaran

    Evilmaran Veteran Crowfall Member

    i used to play horde...always horde..

    but some RL friends wanted to play WoW on ally side and made me join them...bought me an account and some months gametime, so i could not say no...

    forgot my old accounts info...lost the no way of retrieving :(
    and to start over once again...dont really want to...
  3. I still don't have my email, legit OR fake.

    I'm kinda upset, I really wanted to see the new patch before Cata.
  4. I never got an e-mail either. I've been un subbed since march of this year and nothing. I'm not complaining I would just question the validity of the e-mail.
  5. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    Sure sure, you make the noise that you didnt want to play alliance...

    You just wanted to see what a female gnome that was naked and dancing was like on your screen...
  6. RAF and with the reduced exp from 1-60 im sure you can hit 60 in like no time at all, and on top of that you can get someone to instance rush you all the way up to be killer. at 85 they can prob rush you all the way through WotLK content cause right now i can stomp through BC instance
  7. I "heard from a friend" that Blizzard is making the end-game dungeons in Cata. a lot harder, and not so newbish as it so is now.

    And I never got the really experience the reduced XP gains aside from rested experience - due to all my characters being 70+ at the time I bought a leveled up in WotLK (late in the game).

    Doubt I would ever make another level 1 again, but - if that's the case maybe I should if it will be that easy and I do decide to pick it up.
  8. well with RAF you have to link it to another player and you 2 be leveling together to get 300% increased exp for 90 days up to level 58 or 60 then its normal exp. Me and Cox did it and got like 2 guys to 60 and this was without rushing help. Now with t10 my prot pally can blow through level 70 dung and I bet aat 85 he can do wrath dung with little prob.

    I dont know if they will be "harder" but they are going back to CC like in orgional WoW, right now its just AoE and loot so no doubt people will wipe and bitch that its to hard.
  9. I agree, its ALL AoE and loot. Some of the fights in ICC were pretty fun, but all and all - the trash wasn't fun (never has been hard or fun since Vanilla) and it just feels like auto-pilot.

    I hope they bring the fun back to it, I understand why they made it more casual, but its the only MMO out of all the ones I've played that I come back to time after time so I hope they "get Cata. right".
  10. ICC run that shit in 10 man then in 25 man. You won't ever tire of it, it is that awesome. /not

    I don't want to run the same dungeon that many times Blizzard.
  11. ICC trash was fun when you let a shaman tank it, and when you pull way to much at a time lol. And dont forget about SW trash in BC that was hard, and thats what I hope Cata trash is like.

    As for the ICC boss fights I would agree pretty fun, more so than most others.
  12. I didn't get an email, but for kicks I logged into my account and this is what I see:

    Claim 7 free days of game time

    so yeah, if you didn't get the email like me and you feel like taking that week, just try signing in, they are probably doing it for everyone who isn't paying them at the moment.
  13. I may have to do that. The problem is I can't find my authenticator :O
  14. haha, i'm surprised i haven't lost mine. I clipped the ring into a missing handle as part of a dresser drawer next to my computer desk so it has been hanging at arms length from me for the monthes I haven't played this game. It has been a handle for my furniture.

    anyway, whatever i decide to do, no point in not updating anyway since it looks like it will take a day to download everything i need lol.
  15. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    /me has never used an authenticator and has never had any of his accounts "hacked"
  16. WTF, I still didn't get either.

    I haven't used or gotten hacked either (sounds like a drug) - but its cool that its there and there is some type of extra security.
  17. Yeah I got mine after my account was hacked. Thankfully I was able to log in when they were doing it and get my account restored shortly after.
  18. I actually claimed my free trial, which I am in the middle of right now, and I have to say; I am rather impressed with the changes, it feels like Original WoW again with the talent trees + all the new stuff as well.

    I really do think Cata will be the resurrection that everyone wants it to be for WoW.
  19. I didn't know it was dying, just a lot of unhappy folks.

    Good to hear there, I did my trial earlier in the year so I don't have one.

    Wish I could have just gotten my free 7 weeks so I could work on my Lock before transferring it.
  20. I've been playing since beta, and still am... the new changes have brought back the old feel. love em!